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We happen to really like the San Francisco Bay Area here at Mix. Not in that smug, hipper-than-L.A. sort of way. And not in that hybrid-driving, organic-promoting, politically correct sort of way that the rest of the country seems to associate with us. The Bay Area is simply our home, and has been for 30 years now. And we like it.

You can’t beat New York for its raw, dynamic musical energy. Or Nashville for its cohesive, family-like intimacy. Los Angeles has some of the most inventive minds in entertainment and the massive creative infrastructure to push the world forward. San Francisco, meanwhile, has always existed on the fringe of professional audio, and that’s okay.

To honor the entrepreneurial spirit, we present “Bay Area Legends,” a photo feature that spotlights individuals, teams, facilities and venues that have made a difference in our little slice of the production world. This is by no means a “Best Of” list, nor are we trying to rank the major players. So many more artists, engineers, producers, editors, developers, composers and designers are worthy of being included among a collection of local legends that we could fill the whole magazine. And someday, maybe we will.

But for now, we present our own Bay Area Legends.
