Mix Regional: Nashville
By Barbara Schultz. Nick Raskulinecz: Room for Variety; Black River Booming. Updates from Southern Ground Studios, House of Blues, Ocean Way Nashville, Sound Kitchen,...
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By Barbara Schultz. Nick Raskulinecz: Room for Variety; Black River Booming. Updates from Southern Ground Studios, House of Blues, Ocean Way Nashville, Sound Kitchen,...
Everyone’s favorite hip hop anthem was the third single released off A Tribe Called Quest’s debut album, People’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm, released on Jive...
Compact Active Speakers With 4 DACs, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and App Control
Though not as sexy as gleaming microphones, boutique preamplifiersor the latest studio monitors, our industry boasts a massive wave of new components in the...
Frenchsinger-songwriter Jeanne Galice, whoperformsusingthestage name Jain,embarkedonherfirst U.S.solotourthisspring,supported bysoundcompaniesDushow ParisandSolotech. Derya Uzunmixesfrontofhouse. Jaintookthestagewitha four pieceband forher Europeandates,butshe’stouring solointhe United States, where UzuniscarryingonlyherAbleton Livesetup, two Universal...
Withmorethan20 yearsonthe roadandinthestudio,Lettucebrought their horn andrhythm-loadedseven-piecefunktothe FoxTheater in Oakland,Calif.,inmid-March, pluggingintothe MeyerSoundhousesystemandfillingthestagewithagroove-laced yet dynamicperformance. Supportedonthisclubandtheatertourby MusicMattersProductions and UnderlyingThemes Productions,thebandcarriedconsoles,IEMs, Mics, DIand cabling, relyingonhouse-suppliedwedges,subs,stacks/ racks, powerandstands....
Keyboardist Sanae Yamada and Guitarist Ripley Johnson areMoon Duo, electronic music collaboratorswhose latestcollections,Occult Architecture Vol.IandVol.II,aremeant totracea musicalpaththrough the seasons. Byturns,brighteror darkertextures arelayeredoveracentral groove,expressing the ideaofanatural landscape, and...
JoeGoddard ispossiblythemostprolific of HotChip’smembers.Electric LinesisGoddard’ssecondsoloalbum, following2009’sHarvest Festivalonhis own Greco-Roman label. He’salsoworkedon numerousother productionswithRaf Rundellas TwoBears,aswellasonhisown,nottomen- tioncountlesspopular remixes.ElectricLinesgetsitsfuel froma Eurorack synthesizer, propelling itsdancefloor-litesounds that stayfar...
Tom Coyne,a mainstay of the New York City mastering community for more than 40 years, has died from multiple myeloma. The Morris Township, N.J.,...
The Nashvilleprofessionalaudiocommunityisgettingreadyfor thelandmark20thannualAudioMastersBenefitGolf Tournament, heldonce again atthescenicHarpethHills GolfCourseacrosstwo days, May11-12, 2017. Years ago,the NashvilleSectionofthe AudioEngineeringSociety established the NashvilleEngineerRelief Fundasa503(c)2 nonprofitcorporation,asameanstodistribute funds toassist membersof the...