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Aladdin Casino Gambles With Audio Upgrade

After the Aladdin Resort & Casino's original structure was imploded in 1998, the Aladdin Theatre was left standing and underwent a $25 million renovation.

After the Aladdin Resort & Casino’s original structure wasimploded in 1998, the Aladdin Theatre was left standing and underwent a$25 million renovation. The result is a virtual indoor amphitheaterwith no obstructions and one of the widest proscenium openings. Capableof handling large-scale artists, Broadway and orchestra shows, the newtheater recently took delivery of a Yamaha DM1000 (in the SinbadLounge) and three DM2000s (one in the CenterStage Showroom and two inthe Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts) consoles, and the largestpermanently installed L-Acoustics V-DOSC P.A. system in the country— 82 cabinets.

Gary Kehm (director of operations for entertainment at the casino),Craig Thomesen (technical director/stage manager/leadsound/front-of-house mixer) and Tony Alamia (audio systemsengineer/monitor engineer) assisted Al Siniscal, president and sounddesigner at A-1 Entertainment Services (Las Vegas) with the install.The P.A. was installed by head V-DOSC technician Bernie Broderick andassisted by Forrest Rowles.
