San Francisco, CA (November 7, 2014)—Forty-eight channels of Millennia HV-3R preamps captured the performances at the main stage of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass event at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Diablo Digital provided the live recording system for the event.

“When you are recording and broadcasting a live event featuring nearly 100 world-class performers in front of more than 650,000 people, there is no second chance,” commented Brad Madix, live sound engineer and a principal at Diablo Digital. “We wanted to use the Millennia preamps to make sure that we captured every nuance with the greatest accuracy possible.”
“The headroom of the Millennias, along with their extremely wide dynamic range, allowed us to work without soundchecks over the entire three days,” continued Madix. “Setting gain wasn’t critical. We could operate with levels a bit on the low side to prevent our digital converters from clipping and still got amazing sounds. Really great sounding and simple to use; perfect in a situation when you’re flying by the seat of your pants!”