Bryan, TX (July 10, 2018)—As the old saying goes, “If you’re standing still, you’re moving backwards.” The Randy Rogers Band, then, is moving forward, much as it has since its inception in 2002, touring incessantly on its own and making a name for itself—enough so that the group is recording its upcoming album with Nashville mega-producer Dave Cobb.
Getting the band’s mix together on the road, however, falls to FOH engineer/production manager Marty Weir, who has worn both hats for RRB since 2010. He spends each night standing behind a new DiGiCo SD12 console with a 48×16 D2-Rack and coaxial snake. The system is rented from Backstage Sound and Lighting—part of an acquisition that saw the Bryan, TX-based SR provider acquire two SD12 desks as well as a pair of DiGiCo S31 consoles.
“I’d been working with the band using the same console for close to seven years, and it was just time to change the technology,” says Weir. “I wanted a desk that was up to date technologically and also sounded great. But as the production manager, I also knew we had to stay within a certain budget and keep the desk itself manageable for touring in terms of size and weight. When I found the SD12 after several months of looking at everything out there, I knew both of the hats I wear would be happy with it.”
Weir got up and running with the desk quickly (“I can put everything exactly where I want it, and that makes me much more comfortable during a show.”) and is pleased with what it has brough to his mixes: “The clarity of the vocal sound was amazing, and it wasn’t just me noticing it—people who knew how the band sounds were telling me the same thing.”
Meanwhile, his inner production manager is satisfied with the decision, too: “It’s a great-sounding console that doesn’t make me feel guilty about what we’re spending for it. I didn’t have to justify it.”
Randy Rogers Band •
Backstage Sound and Lighting •
DiGiCo •