Los Angeles, CA (November 11, 2015)—New remote trucks from NEP and All Mobile Video have integrated Focusrite’s RedNet series of Dante network interfaces and other Dante-enabled systems.

In NEP’s newest remote truck, SSCBS, which will be used by primarily for major PGA and NFL events, two RedNet D64R units support 64 bi-directional channels of both coaxial and optical MADI interfaces with other Dante-enabled devices and systems, including the truck’s Evertz routers, and provide a bridge to the intercom system. SSCBS, which hit the road on August 18, represents a substantial change in technology culture, according to Michael Naugle, design engineer with NEP.
“This is our first use of Dante in any of our trucks,” he says. “We’ve used CobraNet for years, so we’re familiar with the concept of audio-over-IP, but Dante is our first delve into this generation of audio networking, and RedNet is our interface of choice for that.”
RedNet, says Naugle, will provide a way to introduce digital networking into existing remote-production trucks, offering a bridge between legacy MADI-connected systems and the network. “It’s a way forward not just for new trucks but for the entire fleet,” he says.
All Mobile Video’s newest remote production truck, nearing completion, will utilize two RedNet 1 eight-channel analog I/O units and seven RedNet 2 16-channel I/O units. The RedNet converters will be used with the truck’s RTS ADAM Frame intercom system, as the media transport technology for the ADAM Frame’s OMNEO media networking architecture.
“The RedNet 1 and 2 units will distribute Dante throughout the vehicle, to video and audio,” explains Ian Vysick, audio development specialist for AMV. “MADI will only be used for the console; everything else is Dante through RedNet.”