London, UK (February 10, 2016)—The long-running Pokémon franchise shows no sign of stopping, and while it is well-established in games, video and merchandise, it’s now making inroads into musical realms as well, as proven by the recent European premiere of Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions, performed by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra at the Eventim Apollo Hammersmith in London.
“The brief was to create a big film score soundtrack feel to the production, so close miking of all the instruments was the order of the day,” said FOH engineer, Ian Barfoot, who used an Allen & Heath dLive digital mixing system, built around an S7000 Control Surface with DM64 MixRack, utilizing approximately 70 physical inputs; all of this fed the house speaker system—an L-Acoustics K2 system.
The event required around 90 microphones, most of which were placed on the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, which consists of 38 strings, nine woods, six French horns, eight brass, percussion, harp and piano. Additionally, there were six tracks of audio from the video content and two vocal mics for the presenters.
“My first impressions of the desk was the stunning mic amp, which is very analog in nature but with amazing detail and clarity. Listening to a single source is one thing, but as you add more signals to the mix, sometimes it can start to blur; not in this case—as each section of the orchestra was added to the mix, the warmth and lushness came but the individual clarity and detail could still shine through when required,” said Barfoot.
Allen & Heath