China (July 6, 2021)—It’s a universal truth that EDM lovers everywhere want bass, and the club scene in China is no different. With that in mind, Real Music Acoustics & Lighting Technology Co, operating out of Xi’an and Guangzhou, recently outfitted a pair of venues belonging to regional chain Space, installing a selection of loudspeaker systems from Adamson.
A veteran vendor to the club scene, Real Music is a long-time, full-service integrator and supplier, operating across sound, lighting, control, and AV for more than 20 years. Having outfitted more than 10 different clubs for the chain, Real Music was part of the projects when Space built two completely new clubs—one in Shenzhen, and another in Nanchang.
At Space Shenzhen, the main stage is flanked by hangs of Adamson flagship E12 line array elements, six a side. Further down the room, two delay hangs consisting of four Adamson IS7 line array elements and a flown IS118 each side cover the venue. Two Adamson PC 12 point concentric loudspeakers handle the stage’s front fill, while 14 units of Point 15 point source boxes around the club cover any gaps to the sides. Low frequency extension is installed through the front of the stage and comprises four E219, eight IS219 and 10 E218 subwoofers.
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Meanwhile, Space Nanchang’s main left-right PA combines six units of IS10n narrow dispersion line array elements underhung with two IS10 elements per side. Four more IS10 elements per side are hung three-quarters of the way down the club as delays. Two Adamson IS7p point source two-ways are installed as front fill, and a dozen Point 15s cover any point out of the main array’s throw. Copious low-end is duly present in the form of 20 units of IS219 subwoofers arrayed across the front of the stage.
Richie Wang, Real Music’s general manager, noted “They wanted high SPL mids and highs without noise or distortion, and the all-important low frequencies had to be very powerful.”
Adamson Systems Engineering • www.adamsonsystems.com