Smart Swipe works in the Track and Console Views with mouse gestures.
Cakewalk announces its SONAR 2016.06 release for SONAR Artist, Professional and Platinum versions (available to all current SONAR customers as a free download from the Cakewalk Command Center), as part of the company’s monthly updates. Smart Swipe Track Controls let users instantly enable/disable buttons on multiple tracks by clicking a button in one track, then dragging across adjacent tracks without releasing the mouse button. Smart Swipe is also an effective complement to SONAR’S Quick Grouping feature, which creates temporary groups for most mixer and ProChannel parameters.
SONAR’s alternative UI theme, Tungsten, was introduced in last month’s update and quickly became the theme of choice for many users. This month, the Cakewalk development team further refined the “look and feel” based on community feedback, and applied the theme to additional SONAR sub-sections such as the Step Sequencer and ProChannel EQ.
The new TH3 Cakewalk Edition amp simulator now loads four times faster than before, adds the Overview panel from TH2 for faster navigation, overhauls MIDI Learn, and re-introduces the Cabinet IR functionality included in previous SONAR versions of TH2.
Other updates to the program include “Process Audio” editing optimizations to speed up common editing operations, Russian localization for the Steam version, and an array of fixes to help the program run more efficiently.
For more information, read SONAR 2016.06 Update Fixes and Enhancements on Cakewalk’s Website.