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Harrison Generation-3 TVDSL

Harrison’s Generation-3 TVDSL broadcast console sports 60 faders in 86 inches with four fader layers and features the company’s Profiling control, which lets the user place any source or channel configuration in any physical position on the fly.

Harrison’s Generation-3 TVDSL broadcast console sports 60 faders in 86 inches with four fader layers and features the company’s Profiling control, which lets the user place any source or channel configuration in any physical position on the fly.

With a single digital.engine, users can select from 32 to 192 full-featured digital channels (no shared processing) at one time. Each channel has the same attributes of level control, EQ, filters, dynamics, aux sends, etc. Other features of the digital.engine includes true 40-bit floating-point processing with 40-bit interconnecting architecture, 132 buses available console-wide, up to 32 aux sends, 96 mix minuses and multiple stereo or 5.1 surround outputs.

An optional built-in high-resolution LCD video eliminates the new for a large video monitor wall and allows a studio designer to optimize room layout. Up to 21 6.4-inch TFT monitors can be mounted in the meter bridge.

Other features includes audio follows video with automatic, selectable crossfades; ability to configure outputs as channels; adjustable delay of up to 10 video frames on every input and output; optional 20-second built-in AutoLooper; built-in Producer’s Bus; high-performance, transformer-balanced mic pre’s are remotely controlled and have three selectable inputs (A, B, C); every mix minus has individually selectable confidence feed, talkback, EQ, dynamics and 16 aux sends; an optional custom router interface allows the TVDSL’s router to be controlled from other router panels; and a Satellite Management System, which places related feeds in a “chat room” until they are ready to join the program in progress.

Specs include instant reset/snapshot recall automation of all functions; touch-sensitive motorized faders; digital input/output routing switcher; stereo and 5.1 monitoring, routing and panning; 8-character display on all channels; input metering on all channels; eight dedicated fader groups; four stereo program buses or/as one 5.1 bus and one stereo program; 16 auxiliary sends; 24 mix minus buses (eight activated to channel outputs in standard configuration); 72 microphone/line input channels (24 preamps, three inputs on each preamp, remote-controlled); 24 mono mic/line input channels (4-band parametric EQ, high/lowpass filters, stereo and 5.1 panning, dynamics on all channels); 24 stereo line input channels (4-band parametric EQ, HP/LP filters, stereo and 5.1 panning, dynamics on all channels); 6-wide 5.1-input channel; redundant power supply unit; 24 digital bar graph output meters; analog moving-coil meters optional; locks to station timecode; and compact 6-foot control surface.

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