Apogee’s AD-16X and DA-16X converters are now available worldwide through authorized dealers and distributors. The AD-16X and DA-16X are designed for use in digital audio conversions and offer 192k sampling rates, the C777 clocking technology from Apogee’s Big Ben, a redesigned power supply and analog section, and direct connectivity to Pro Tools|HD with the X-HD card. FireWire-enabled computers can connect directly to Apogee’s optional X-FireWire card.
Features of the AD-16X and DA-16X include 16 channels of 24-bit A/D conversion; AES, ADAT/SMUX output; word clock I/O; sample rates up to 192k using Big Ben’s C777 clocking technology; optional direct connection to S400 and S800 FireWire devices with X-FireWire card; Soft Limit for maximum digital level without overs; and UV22HR for high-quality dither of high-resolution audio to 16-bit.
For more information on the AD-16X and DA-16X, visit www.apogeedigital.com/products/ad16x.php and www.apogeedigital.com/products/da16x.php, respectively. For more new product announcements, visit mixonline.com/products/new/.” target=”_blank”>mixonline.com/products_new_products/index.htm.