Los Angeles welcomed another studio: BETA Studio within the BETA Records’ (www.betarecords.com) facilities. The studio celebrated its launch with The Tempations working on their New Door/Universal release, Back to Front. According to BETA CEO Georg van Handel, “It was great watching the five vocalists interact, and when we brought in the horn section things were really jumping in here.”
The studio offers analog and digital gear, focusing on its all-native Mac/Logic/Apogee Symphony combo, allowing producers to patch into the studio’s many pieces of outboard. A peek inside the mic closet reveals models from Neumann, Manley, AKG, Shure and AEA; monitoring is via Focal, Yamaha and Event units. The studio, located off Sunset Boulevard, includes a video production room with green screen, interview room, make-up room, DJ and Internet radio production areas, kitchen and guest room.