In 1947, an Elkhart, Ind.,-based minister named Clarence C. Moore returned to the United States after a missionary tour in Ecuador. A longtime radio enthusiast, Moore wanted to supply Christian broadcasters with quality electronic products; that year, Moore’s International Radio and Electronics Corporation opened inside a converted chicken coop.
Moore’s wife (and company co-founder), Ruby, suggested that the company name was a bit too long. After looking at its brand names such as “Royal” and “Imperial,” as well as the fancy crown emblem, both agreed that “Crown International, a division of International Radio and Electronics Corporation” was more fitting. In 1975, the stockholders changed the name to just Crown International Inc.
Since then, Crown has introduced a slew of groundbreaking technology products: In the 1980s, the pro audio industry saw the implementation of “Grounded Bridge” circuitry that is used in Crown’s Macro-Tech and Micro-Tech amplifier lines; in the early ’90s, Crown introduced its patented IQ System; and 1997 saw the arrival of the K2 amplifier, which features Balanced-Current Amplifier circuitry.
Crown’s international senior VP of R&D Gerald Stanley (who joined the company in 1964 as a tape recorder line technician and amplifier design engineer) said, “In an era of cookbook designs and buggy software, it would seem that the most basic lessons of history have been forgotten. Crown’s recipe is simple: Design, build and service each product as if you were the customer.