D.A.S. Audio (Valencia, Spain) has expanded its Miami office’s sales responsibilities from only handling Canada and South America, to include all U.S. sales and service, as of July 1, 2002. The Miami office is located at 6970 N.W. 50th St., Miami, Florida 33166, and can be contacted at 305/436-0521 or by fax at 305/436-0528. For the past five-and-a-half years, Sennheiser (Old Lyme, Conn.) handled the U.S. territory.
“So much of our recent success owes much to the hard work of Jeff Alexander and the Sennheiser team. They have been great to work with, and we have a lot to thank them for,” noted Robert Giner, director of marketing for D.A.S.
“D.A.S. Audio is one of the most respected loudspeaker names in the world,” said Jeff Alexander, director of distributed brands at Sennheiser Electronic Corporation. “It’s been a terrific experience representing their product lines.”
Visit D.A.S. on the Web at www.dasaudio.com.