Fullersound, a Miami-based mastering facility, recently installed aCube-Tec AudioCube 5 system, which is now networked with the existingAudioCube 4-II system that was installed in 2000.
According to owner Michael Fuller, “We purchased our first AudioCube4-II in 2000. After years of using the industry’s standard formastering, it was time to upgrade to a high-resolution system. TheAudioCube met and exceeded our expectations. The VPIs are extremelysmooth, musical and easy to use and there is a tool for every need. Wehad been accustomed to the best audio restorations tools available andthe Cube’s VPIs simply blew us away with their speed and accuracy todetail. Now, we have purchased our second system, the AC5-D650. Theability and dedication of the Cube-Tec staff to continue to come upwith new and exciting VPIs that work at even faster speeds is just oneof the many reasons why we chose the AudioCube again. Withthis great system, we look forward to moving into DVD-A and SACDin the future.”
The AudioCube 5 system includes dual 2.66GHz processors, 36GB systemand audio drives, CD and DVD burners, Mykerinos 24-channel audio card,Wavelab 4 and Nuendo editors, and NetSupport remote help software. TheAC5 is configured with 32 Cube-Tec VPIs, the 24-bit/192kHz masteringand restoration tools exclusive to the AudioCube platform.
For more, visit Cube-Tec online at www.cube-tec.com. For more information on thestudio, visit www.fullersound.com.