Holophone, a division of Rising Sun Productions Ltd., formallyannounced the introduction of the Holophone H2-PRO Surround Microphone.This new microphone is capable of recording up to 7.1 channels ofdiscrete surround sound for all professional audio applications(standard television, DTV, HDTV, radio, music, projectstudios/engineers and film location recording) will be launched at nextweek’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) conference inLas Vegas. Holophone is partnering with SRS Labs at NAB, (located atbooth #N1502, just inside the door to the North Hall off the mainconcourse of the LVCC) where Holophone representatives will showcasethe H2-PRO from April 19 – 22.
“We are thrilled to be launching our new Holophone H2-PRO atthis year’s NAB,” stated Jonathan Godfrey, CEO ofHolophone. “The H2-PRO is a very cool surround sound audiocapture device, and it is the culmination of years of development andan intense beta testing period with leading broadcasters and audioprofessionals around the world.” Mr. Godfrey further commented,“We’ve worked hard to introduce a product that meets thegrowing needs of all markets to record and distribute high-qualitysurround sound. It appears that the time is right for theH2-PRO.”
The H2-PRO Surround Sound Microphone improves upon Holophone’sbeta system with a sleek new design that maintains the patented“head” shape, adds eight channel recording capability(5.1-channels plus a top channel and a center-rear channel), and has animproved connector and handle. The easy to use Holophone H2-PRO is astandalone surround sound microphone designed specifically for audioprofessionals to capture up to eight channels of discrete surroundsound. It features eight XLR microphone connectors, which are entirelycompatible with all multichannel I/O devices such as hard discrecorders, preamplifiers and mixing boards that supply phantom power.Users can plug the Holophone H2-PRO directly into their own equipmentand be recording quickly, easily and with superior results. Priced at$6000 MSRP, the Holophone H2-PRO will begin shipping by July of thisyear.
The prototype H-1 Holophone Surround Sound recording system (withonly 6.1 channel recording capability) was aggressively beta testedaround the world during the past two years on a variety of projectsranging from live television and radio broadcasts to live musicrecording for HDTV broadcast and DVD. It received positive feedback forits performance, high quality recordings and ease-of-use.
Mr. Akira Fukada, chief engineer, production engineering departmentat NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Tokyo, recorded the TokyoMetropolitan Symphony Orchestra with the Holophone last year for a 5.1surround sound special drama program for HDTV broadcast. He compared anumber of microphones and commented, “The sound localization ofthe Holophone was nice, smooth and natural.”
Here in the United States, Mr. Mark Cochi, production mixer at RDRAudio used the Holophone H-1system for three different ESPN X-GameSurround Sound broadcasts. “The Holophone recording system givesme an incredibly strong and realistic surround platform to build a mixupon for broadcast. This mic allows me to use a single location micwith multiple outputs, and add spot miking on top.” Continues Mr.Cochi, “With the Holophone tracks as the base of the mix, thesound is bigger than the picture.”
For a DVD Music project recorded in April of last year in anAmsterdam club, Mr. Francois Lamoureaux of Fogo/Enliven Entertainmenthad this to say about his experience with the Holophone H-1 prototypesystem: “As I was preparing to record Branford Marsalis’ versionof A Love Supreme for DVD, I found out about the Holophone, andit seemed to offer much promise. The recording now finished and mixed,I can tell you that this thing has blown everyone away! It puts youright there in the club in a way that a bunch of room mics alone simplycannot convey; plus it was easy to use and set-up to boot!”The Love Supreme DVD is scheduled for release later thisyear.
To find out more about Holophone, go to www.holophone.com.