Cambridgeshire, UK (March 13, 2018)—British mixer, producer and engineer James Lewis has enhanced the processing capabilities of his Cambridgeshire facility, Studio27a, with the addition of a Solid State Logic Sigma δelta remote controlled analog summing unit.
“The Sigma has enabled me to get more out of all my other gear,” says Lewis, who has been using the unit to mix tracks for Rudimental’s third album. “One way to describe it is ‘faster.’ It preserves the transients better. It’s lighter on its feet. That works for any genre of music, but particularly with the high-tempo Rudimental tracks I’m working on at the moment. I don’t think you could succeed on anything else but SSL, just because of the sharpness.”
Related: New SSL Studio Opens in Brazil, Pro Sound News, Feb. 20, 2018

Sigma δelta is a 16 stereo/32 mono channel rack-mounted, automatable summing mixer that uses the same SuperAnalogue mix bus technology as SSL’s AWS and Duality consoles. Control is via the Sigma Remote App (Mac, PC, iOS or Android), MCU or Eucon-compatible control hardware, and via δelta Control. Mix busses A and B can be combined into a single mix for creative parallel processing options.
Studio27a is equipped with a Pro Tools/UAD DAW and a selection of outboard, much of which is dedicated to his mix bus chain. “It’s quite a hybrid system,” he says. “I have parallel mix summing going on with Sigma taking care of 80 percent of the mix and additional processing being mixed in via the Sigma’s Mix Bus B.”
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Lewis, whose recent credits include Clean Bandit, Rae Morris, Charli XCX and Sunset Sons, started out as assistant to Mike Crossey and later went on to train under Manny Marroquin. “I ran a couple of other mixes through it recently; they were simple in-the-box monitor mixes. I bounced three versions down, a digital bounce straight out the DAW, another analog summer, and the Sigma. The Sigma track was much tighter—there’s definitely something nice going on.”
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