Fort Lauderdale, FL (April 24, 2018)—The Luxemourg Signal may create dreamy pop landscapes, but the distances between the band’s seven members is even more epic, as they variously live in Los Angeles, San Diego and London. With that in mind, there’s a lot of long-distance file-swapping going on every time the band records, and in recent times, that’s been facilitated by the RME Babyface Pro interface, which was used to capture the band’s latest album, Blue Field.
Kicking off the recording process, drummer Brian Espinosa worked with producer Mark Rains as they captured pounding drums and bass guitar at Station House Studios in Los Angeles, but afterward, everyone decamped to their respective workspaces to flesh out the tracks.
“The fact that our locations are rather far apart, from San Diego to Los Angeles to London, would have been much more difficult to manage 10-15 years ago,” Espinosa concedes. “While it would be nice and convenient for all of us to live in the same city, the fact is that recording technology like the Babyface Pro makes the physical distance between us is less of an obstacle.”
Espinosa borrowed a RME Babyface Pro “and it just clicked,” he says. “I borrowed his Babyface, downloaded the drivers, and immediately knew my search was over. The RME converters were as clean and transparent as I remembered them being in early 2000s and then some.” This was important to ensure the band’s home studio tracking would match the clarity of the drum and bass work they had done during their LA sessions.
“I was blown away by how great the mic pres on the Babyface Pro sounded,” he says. “We have friends that had a variety of microphones to borrow, which allowed us to try different mics for different vocals and guitar cabs, and they all sounded great through the Babyface Pro.”
Even with Blue Field released and garnering rave reviews, The Luxembourg Signal has no intention of taking things easy. “We are hard at work recording our next release for Shelflife Records,” Espinosa says. “We should have an EP or mini-LP ready to go by fall 2018, and you better believe that our Babyface Pro will be used to track many more songs for the Luxembourg Signal’s future releases. There’s just no going back to any other audio interface.”
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