The American Grand Prix Association (AGA) returns the UnitedStates’ original equestrian stadium-jumping tour to one of itsfirst venues.
When Charlotte Bobcats owner Robert Johnson presents his CharlotteJumper Classic, he will re-establish the “Queen City” as ahost to top-flight equestrian competition. As one among the 33 nationalevents that constitute the annual AGA Grand Prix Series, 42 riders willcompete and/or demonstrate indoors April 9-11th at Charlotte’slatest Coliseum. Mary Silcox, director of publications for StadiumJumping Inc., attributed the hiatus of the AGA from Charlotte toinsufficient indoor facilities, especially given the trend towardsinternational level competition, which is traditionally staged indoorsfor cultivating both World Cup and Olympic riders.“Charlotte,” reminisces Silcox, “was one of the firstcities to host AGA events. Naturally, the association’s excitedabout returning.” Johnson further exalted the return as,“an example of the diverse types of events we will be bringing toCharlotte as operators of the new arena.”
Television taping of the event will be supplied by MediaComm’smobile production truck. Based in Charlotte, N.C., their truck is oneof many services offered by this turnkey production company. Remoteunits manager Jay Shennum enthusiastically welcomed the AGA event,calling it “an excellent opportunity to diversify[MediaComm’s] live sports resume.” Reiterating thisenthusiasm, MediaComm president Chris Cates stated that “Recentmodifications we’ve made to our truck will definitely enhance theproduction value of the event, which–in turn–will bringattention to both this sport and the city of Charlotte.”
With plans for airing the Classic annually on his recently announcedCarolina Sports and Entertainment Network (C-SET), Johnson feelsconfident that it will be successful. Proceeds from the Classic will bedonated to the Bobcats Charitable Fund, the philanthropic arm ofJohnson’s new NBA franchise.
MediaComm Mobile is a “straight” truck based inCharlotte, NC, providing live and taped television production servicesto ESPN, the NBA, the WNBA, SPEED Channel, NASCAR Images, theInspiration Networks and many others since 2001.
For more information, go to the MediaComm Website at