Week of June 4
India’s First Pro Audio Convention
The PALM 2001 Show is being held in Mumbai, India’s entertainmentcapital, at the prestigious Nehru Centre, September 11-13, 2001,organized by Studio Systems magazine.
This is the first exhibition, conference and seminar organized inIndia that is completely dedicated to pro audio, live sound and themusician. Pro audio hardware for studio recording, location soundrecording, live shows, theater surround sound, and sound forauditoriums, stages and clubs will be exhibited.
“This conference] will see a huge gathering of sound engineers fromevery sphere, be it music recording or Internet radio,” said AnilChopra, editor and publisher of Studio Systems magazine. “Weexpect delegates from Guwahati to Coimbatore and Srinagar toTrivandrum. Such a forum never existed in India.”
Seminars include presentations on DAB, multichannel audio formatsand DVD-Audio, training and development for the professional soundengineer, music publishing, state of the live sound industry in India,cinema surround sound reproduction, as well as numerous productseminars.
Interested parties should click on www.studio-systems for moreinformation about this conference.
Bertelsmann Buys Online Music Service MyPlay.com
During the same week that Vivendi Universal announced itsacquisition of MP3.com, record label Bertelsmann AG has expanded itspresence in the online music delivery business with its acquisition ofMyPlay Inc. for an estimated $30 million.
This latest digital music deal is expected to help Bertelsmannbolster promotional efforts within its record labels, such as BMG,Arista and RCA, through a newly created BeMusic division. Alreadyslotted for this new division are the online music retailer CDNow, themusic club BMG Direct and Digital World Services, its strategic partnerNapster and MyPlay.
The Redwood City, Calif.-based MyPlay provides software for thecentral storage of music and a content management system. Since itslaunch in 1999, MyPlay has signed up about 6.5 million users whotransfer their favorite CDs to an online music locker and then play thefiles back on a variety of devices.
Andreas Schmidt, president and CEO of Bertelsmann’s eCommerce Group,said no decisions had been made about whether to create a newdestination site for delivering digital versions of CDs.
NHT Returns to Pro Audio Market
Recoton Audio Corporation announced the acquisition of substantiallyall of the assets of Vergence Technology, effectively returning theNHTPro and Vergence brand names to the direction of NHT. Additionally,Vergence co-founder Chris Byrne has become VP and general manager forNHT.
Under the agreement, Vergence Technology’s assets, including allVergence and NHTPro speakers, will be moved to NHT, where Byrne willoversee both the consumer and professional lines. Once the in-stockVergence models are depleted, all of NHT’s pro audio speaker/monitors,including the A-20, B-20, C-20, M-00, S-00 and PVC speaker/monitors,will revert to the NHTPro brand. New NHTPro product development andmanufacturing will originate at the brand’s headquarters in Benicia,Calif.
NHT will continue to offer many of the current models that are soldunder the Vergence name. New product development will begin in the nextsix months. The majority of the NHTPro brand equipment will continue tobe manufactured in California.
For more information, visit www.nhthifi.com.
Hawley Heads Asian Sales For JBL
JBL veteran Guy Hawley has assumed the additional role of salesdirector, Asia. Based out of London, Hawley will add the Asianterritory to his current responsibilities as sales director for theMiddle East and Africa.
“For 18 years, Guy has professionally managed sales for JBL inEngland, then in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. His knowledge ofthe market, extensive experience, and keen business and people skillsare just a few of the reasons for this promotion,” said MichaelMacDonald, president of JBL Professional. “The Asian market is crucialfor JBL and for any international audio company.”
For more information, visit www.jblpro.com.
Mastering Engineer Category Added To Grammy Nominees
Recording Academy president and CEO Michael Greene announced todaythat the Academy Trustees have voted to include mastering engineer tothe list of people who are eligible to receive a Grammy for the winningrecord in the Album of the Year category.
The addition of the mastering engineer as a Grammy recipient on thewinning recording in this category acknowledges the significanttechnical and creative contributions of these professionals, reflectingthe Academy’s mission to celebrate both the art and the science ofmaking music.
“The Academy’s Board of Trustees continues to demonstrate itspassionate commitment to education, human services, and keeping theGrammy Awards process relevant and responsive to our dynamic musiccommunity,” said Greene.
The Trustees have also voted to expand the rap field to include aBest Rap/Sung Collaboration category for singles or tracks only.Collaborative efforts of rap and sung performances were previouslyplaced in the Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group category. The BestRap Performance by a Duo or Group category will now only includerecordings by established duos and/or groups and collaborative rap/rapperformances.
Additionally, the Remixer of the Year category was also revised. Theaward will now be given to the remixer for a specific remixed recordingrather than for a “body of work.” Entries in this category will beinitially judged by craft committees composed of remixers who arevoting members of the Recording Academy.
In other Recording Academy business, The Academy’s Grant Programfunding was increased to up to $400,000 to be donated in the comingyear. The Academy also voted to elected three new national officers.Garth Fundis was elected chairman for 2001-2002. A Nashville Chaptertrustee and past chapter president, Fundis is an independent recordproducer and owner of Sound Emporium Recording Studios. Carlos Alomarwas elected vice chairman, a New York Chapter trustee. Alomar is amusician/producer/songwriter and current director of A&R forNextNext Entertainment. Neil Portnow, an independentproducer/professional musician and member of the L.A. Chapter, waselected treasurer. Portnow is currently senior VP of West Coastoperations at Zomba Group of Companies.
For more information, click on www.grammy.com.
Launch Media Contests RIAA Suit
Launch Media Inc. has joined with four other Webcasters and theDigital Media Association in filing suit against the RecordingAssociation of America (RIAA), which seeks a declaration that itsInternet radio service, LAUNCHcast, and the similar services of theother parties are eligible for a statutory license for transmission ofsound recordings over the Internet.
Filed in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California,the suit responds to the RIAA’s recent effort to exclude Launch andother Webcasters from a rate-setting arbitration panel pending beforethe U.S. Copyright Office. The issue centers on whether or notconsumer-influenced Internet radio stations, such as LAUNCHcast, areeligible for the compulsory license provided for in Section 114 of theDigital Millenium Copyright Act.
Launch was served with a lawsuit brought by four of the five majorrecord labels that alleges that LAUNCHcast is ineligible for thecompulsory license and has therefore infringed the labels’ copyrightsin the sound recordings performed in the service. Launch hastemporarily disabled the consumer-influenced version of LAUNCHcast as agesture of its willingness to negotiate a resolution with thelabels.
“We believe that in this industry-wide issue we have been unfairlysingled out,” said Bob Roback, president of Launch. “While we intend todefend vigorously the litigation at hand and assert all appropriatecounterclaims, we are hopeful that all parties can quickly return totheir efforts to work out a negotiated, industry-wide resolution of theissue.”
Napster Licenses With MusicNet
After a day of speculation, Napster announced a deal Tuesday thatwould allow the service to sell music from three of the five majormusic labels as part of its proposed subscription service.
Napster, RealNetworks and MusicNet have reached a licensingagreement whereby Napster will become an affiliate of MusicNet, thedigital distribution platform for downloading and streaming music thatis expected to launch later this summer.
Under the deal, Napster joins RealNetworks and America Online as thethird distributor to team up with MusicNet; RealNetworks and AmericaOnline announced licenses for the MusicNet service in April. BMGEntertainment, EMI Recorded Music and Warner Music Group had previouslysaid that they will permit their libraries to be delivered to Napsteronce Napster operates in a “legal, non-infringing manner” andsuccessfuly demonstrates that rights holders will be compensated fortheir works by implementing a technology that accurately tracks theidentity of files on Napster’s servers.
However, this agreement bars Napster from forming a similarlicensing agreement with Duet (MusicNet’s competing digital downloadservice formed by Sony and Universal Vivendi) unless the other labelscome to terms with MusicNet.
“MusicNet is focused on providing a platform that will helpconsumers who are used to the experience of Napster to find, acquireand enjoy music in a manner that’s legal, reliable, secure, andsupportive of artists and rights holders,” said Rob Glaser, chairman ofthe board and interim CEO of MusicNet.
“Our relationship with MusicNet underscores our commitment tosupporting the members of the Napster community in discovering andlistening to music of all types from around the world,” said HankBarry, interim CEO of Napster.
For more information on this new service, visit MusicNet at www.musicnet.com.
Experience Music Project Celebrates One-Year Anniversary
Experience Music Project is celebrating its one-year anniversary bykicking off the summer season with “2001: A Music Odyssey,” fiveconcerts in the intimate setting of EMP’s Sky Church from June9-23.
Performances will span the decades of rock ‘n’ roll from the 1950sthrough the 21st century with rock ‘n’ roll icons who have impactedAmerican culture in powerful ways: Little Richard, Iron Butterfly,Television, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and Public Enemy.
Tickets for all shows are on sale now and can be purchased at theEMP Box Office or by calling 206/770-2702 (local) or 877/I-LISTEN.
For a schedule of events, visit www.emplive.com.
Week of June 11
New VP at Maxell
Maxell Corporation of America (Fair Lawn, N.J.) has promoted TomGrieco to VP of system operations. He will be responsible forintegrating and streamlining customer service, inventory planning,logistics and information systems.
Grieco had served five years as director of information systems forNorth and South Americas, and was manager of information systems forMaxell previous to that position.
“Tom’s promotion points up the critical nature information,logistics and customer service play in the business arena in whichMaxell competes,” said Don Patrican, executive VP at Maxell. “Hisadditional responsibilities will help Maxell as we strive tocontinually improve the way we do business and the way we interfacewith our customers in the rapidly changing business environment.”
For more, visit www.maxell.com.
Chicago Theater Installs MacPherson Loudspeakers
MacPherson Inc. (Skokie, Ill.), manufacturers of high-performanceprofessional loudspeaker systems, announced that Chicago’s GoodmanTheatre has installed four more IS12 full-range loudspeakers in theirnew facility.
The new IS12s were installed in the 856-seat proscenium stage AlbertIvar Goodman Theater, two in the lower mezzanine and two in the uppermezzanine. They will be used for rear-of-house sound effects andsurround sound in conjunction with the existing system.
“The IS12s’ slim profile, coupled with their excellent voicereproduction, make them the ideal solution for wall-mounted surround,”said Dave Naunton, Goodman house audio engineer. “They also work wellwith our existing equipment. And their portability is such that we planto use them between the two theaters.”
Ten IS12s were installed in the smaller Owen Bruner Goodman Theatrelast fall when the new facility opened.
For more information, visit www.macpherson-inc.com.
Week of June 25
Tips To Landing a Job in the Biz
Industry vet Keith Hatschek provides tips to landing a prizedindustry position in his new book How To Get a Job in the Music andRecording Industry.
Released through Berklee Press, How To Get a Job in the Music andRecording Industry uses a nuts-and-bolts approach to improve thereaders’ odds of getting that industry position by using the techniquesoffered in the book.
“So much of the emphasis in music and recording schools is onmastering an instrument or the technologies that little, if any time,is spent preparing for the inevitable, and often dreaded, search foremployment,” states Hatschek. “Using the methods in this book, someonewith the necessary determination can develop a successful plan to getstarted in the business.”
How To Get a Job in the Music and Recording Industryintroduces readers to the vast array of career options from Foleyartists to composers for video games. Chapters include resumedevelopment, building a music business network, research tips, landinga profitable internship, interviewing drills and up-to-date informationon careers in new media. The book also includes a foreword by MCARecords Nashville president Tony Brown. Price is $24.95 (U.S.).
For more information, visit www.berkleepress.com.
Primacoustic Announces New Sales Reps
Primacoustic (British Columbia, Canada) announced these new salesrepresentatives:
Right Track Marketing (Kinnelon, N.J.) will cover New York and NewEngland; 973/283-8200
Sound Vision will handle Florida; 813/651-0101
Online Marketing represents Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan;330/336-7504
Sonic Sales manages sales in Southern California; 310/322-3333
Sound Sales will cover Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delawareand southern New Jersey; 410/964-1170
For more information, visit Primacoustic at www.primacoustic.com.