Adobe Systems (booth SL4730) will demonstrate Adobe® Premiere® Pro with high-definition (HD) video solutions; BOXX Technologies, Matrox, Canopus, CineForm, Bluefish, Black Magic and 1 Beyond are among the companies showing new HD solutions based on Adobe Premiere Pro.
Adobe offers a scalable platform, as customers move from DV to HD using Adobe Premiere Pro; Adobe Premiere Pro-based systems offer a range of real-time effects including transitions, motion, 3-D, color correction and titling.
“Having HD on the desktop with Premiere Pro gives me amazing power at an unprecedented price,” said Scott Bryant, owner and creative director of STEAM, a graphic-based production and post company based in Santa Monica, Calif. “The advanced integration between Premiere Pro and After Effects creates a simply unbeatable combination for professional HD production.”
“We are excited to be working with Adobe to provide affordable high-definition desktop editing solutions on Microsoft Windows XP,” said Dave Fester, general manager of the Windows Client division at Microsoft Corporation. “Just as high-definition technology is transforming the viewing experience for consumers, Adobe Premiere Pro is transforming the high-definition production experience for professionals on their Windows XP desktop.”
Adobe Premiere Pro is available for an estimated street price of U.S. $699 and can be upgraded for an estimated $199 from any previous version.
Also at NAB, David Trescot, senior director of Digital Video at Adobe, will be the featured presenter in the NAB Multimedia World Super Session, “The High-Def Desktop,” on Monday, April 19 in the Las Vegas Convention Center, room #S219 from 10:45 a.m. to noon. Other participants include Fester and Bryant.
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