HHB will have Henry Edwards, the person responsible for engineeringthe PortaDrive, at the Sennheiser booth (N2812) to answer questions andprovide a “test drive” of this recorder. In addition, HHB isintroducing the new PortaDrive Version 1.2 software, which featuresmany updates including Pro Tools V. 5-format support, simultaneousrecording to an external disk, enhanced metadata support and Ethernetdata transfer.
Pictured: HHB’s new product development manager, Henry Edwards, andHHB’s technical development manager, Paul Isaacs, with the PortaDrivePDR2000
The PortaDrive is a fully equipped, portable multichannel recorderthat records more than four hours of uncompressed 8-channel24-bit/96kHz or more than 20 hours of 4-channel 24-bit/48kHz audio ontoa resilient and removable 40GB hard disk.
An extensive range of input and output connectivity avoids therequirement for nonstandard signal cables and includes eight lineinputs, four line outputs, eight channels of digital I/O and sixhigh-gain, very low-noise XLR microphone inputs. All mic inputs featureindividual phantom powering, gangable limiters, input pads, a highpassfilter, adjustable delay and phase reverse.
For more information, visit HHB’s U.S. distributor,Sennheiser, at www.sennheiserusa.com. For more new productannouncements, visit mixonline.com/products_new_products/index.htm.