Trillium Lane Labs announced TL Space, a convolution reverb plug-infor the Digidesign Pro Tools platform. By combining the sampledacoustics of real reverb spaces with advanced DSP algorithms, TL Spaceoffers full control of reverb parameters in mono, stereo and surroundformats.
In addition to offering a TDM-based convolution reverb, TL Space isalso a Pro Tools plug-in that can use up eight Pro Tools|HD DSP enginesin parallel to deliver smooth, low-latency convolution processing.Internally, TL Space uses 32-bit block floating-point processing formaximum sonic fidelity. When used with Pro Tools|HD Accel systems, TLSpace provides zero latency processing and offers extensive automationfeatures designed for post-production applications.
TL Space includes a comprehensive library of high-quality sampledreverb spaces and effects for music and post applications. In addition,TL Space can import existing impulse responses in common convolutionformats.
TL Space is designed for Mac OS X and Windows XP operating systems.Demonstrations of TL Space will be featured at Digidesign booth SL4761at the 2004 NAB convention in Las Vegas. TL Space will be available innative and TDM editions in June 2004. Pricing will be announced at thattime.
For more information, visit www.tllabs.com. For more new product announcements,visit mixonline.com/products_new_products/index.htm.