Mobile Disk sets a new benchmark for the future of integrated,disk-based multimedia remote production and post-production. Thetruck, which was nearly two years in development, design andconstruction, combines complete digital audio, video and graphicscapabilities into a single, highly sophisticated mobile unit withapplications that range from film and television production andpost-production to Internet and satellite data transmission. Ownedby Native Country Studios, the truck is ready for the advent ofHDTV, even as it covers all of the bases in contemporary broadcastand film production.
While Native Country Studios was intended to be a highlycomprehensive mobile multimedia suite, the vehicle’s design put aconsiderable emphasis on audio. All signals in the truck, includingaudio, are routed through a central digital PESA routing system,and AES/EBU and analog I/Os are included. Two Avid 9000 MediaComposer stations and one of the two Mac G4-based graphics stationshave a dedicated Yamaha 03D digital mixer. An 8-channel DigidesignPro Tools system with Mac G4 front end is the truck’s main audiorecorder/editor, but any other format, digital or analog, can bespecified. As Wayne Wolfe, Mobile Disk chief engineer, observes,“Someone once told me that picture without great audio isjust surveillance. We really put a lot of thought into this truck’saudio capabilities.”
Furthermore, the truck offers many of the technical and comfortamenities of the most sophisticated post facilities, including aniso booth designed for ADR and voice-over applications.“Having the ability to do ADR onsite is a tremendous asset toany type of production,” says Wolfe. “Audio fixes canbe accomplished immediately while the talent is still at theproduction site. That has significant artistic and economicimplications.” The truck also features a very comfortable VIPlounge, which can seat up to seven people.
Mobile Disk’s audio design also includes dedicated 5.1 surroundcapability, using Tannoy Active Reveal main monitors in the frontand rear arrays, with a Bose center channel. Acoustically, saysWolfe, the truck’s audio areas approach anechoic accuracy, thanksto the use of advanced absorption materials and a control roomdesign that virtually eliminates reflections.
State-of-the-art video capability includes Ikegami DNS-201disk-based digital cameras and Sony 42-inch plasma display, easilyviewable from both the workstation and VIP areas. Audio and videoare fully synchronized within the routing system, and all of thetruck’s technology platforms — from hard disk recorders tointerior lighting — can be self-sufficient, thanks to aLitepower 120kW/933-amp onboard generator.
Lewis Barton, president of Native Country Studios, notes that,“This is what remote recording is moving toward: anintegrated, multimedia, nonlinear digital environment that can goanywhere and work in virtually any application. This truck is readyfor the future. Fortunately, it’s here now.”
Company Name: Native Country Studios. Contact:David Ferris, manager of remote productions; Wayne Wolfe, chief ofengineering. Services Offered: Remote recording, mixing,5.1 surround encoding/decoding, DVD authoring, ISDN, ADR, real-timesatellite transmission, digital hard disk video recording, editingand graphics. Main Technology Platforms: Yamaha 03Ddigital mixers (3); Dolby 5.1 Surround codec, Pro Tools w/Mac G4front end, Avid Media Composer (2); all analog and digital audioformats available upon request, Pesa AES router, Tannoy mainmonitors w/Bose center channel, Ikegami DNS-201 disk video cameras.Vehicle Information: Peterbilt tractor with 120kW/933-amponboard generator; 50-foot Gerstenlager trailer. Partial ClientList: Universal Pictures, ESPN, Native Country Studios ofNevada, Channel 4 Orlando.
Native Country Studios
9000 Las Vegas Boulevard
North Las Vegas, NV 89115
Tel.: 702/644-4000 (Las Vegas, NV);
407/932-3000 (Orlando, FL)
Fax: 702/644-7000
Website: E-mail: