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New Distribution Deals

Digidesign distributing Waves, Eventide appoints Right Track Marketing, L-Acoustics adds to rep lineup, more.

Digidesign ( is now the exclusivedistributor of Waves’ ( TDM products and upgrades in LatinAmerica; Digidesign is also the exclusive distributor of Waves’ TDMproducts and upgrades in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.Customers need to contact Waves for technical support issues.

Eventide ( has appointed Right TrackMarketing ( to serve as thecompany’s representative for the Mid-Atlantic region, which coversPennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.

Two more independent reps, Secom (, covering Georgia, Alabama,Mississippi, Tennessee, and North and South Carolinas) and PROSMarketing (handling Washington, Oregon, northern Idaho and westernMontana), have recently been added to the new L-Acoustics ( U.S. rep network. Alsorepresenting the company are R.Joseph Group ( in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohioand western Pennsylvania; Cordial/Riley Marketing in Michigan; andMainline Marketing ( in Florida.

Wave Distribution ( announced an exclusiveinternational distribution arrangement with Studio Electronics ( for that company’sentire line of rackmountable signal processing equipment and effectspedals.

Radian Audio Engineering ( appointed two new distributorsfor the European installed and live sound markets: Holland Audio Import( handle the Netherlands and AS Audio ( willservice Germany.

The distribution of MUTEC’s ( digital audio products in theNetherlands is being handled by HELIOS Recording & Broadcast (; alsoannounced, those products will be represented in Great Britain by SSCStockholding (, a division of SynthesiserService Centre.

Sonic Studio LLC ( expanded its distributionnetwork in Asia with the addition of three resellers: START Lab inTokyo (; J&S Sound ( inSeoul, Korea; and Sat-B Solutions ( in Mumbai, India.
