On April 1, 2004, at Musikmesse (Frankfurt , Germany), the 5thannual Musikmesse International Press Award (M.I.P.A.) ceremony tookplace. The ceremony is the musical instruments manufacturers’ fifthmajor award ceremony and is a collaboration between the music tradefair and the international music press. Fifty-eight specialist journalsfrom all over the world gathered to select the M.I.P.A. award-winners.The jury presented awards for outstanding products in more than 40categories, ranging from drum sticks to high-end digital mixers.
Among the great manufactures of organs/portable keyboards, Claviawas chosen and received the prize for the “Most OutstandingOrgan/Portable Keyboard of the Year” for the Nord Electro 2. Last year,the Nord Electro 2 also received a M.I.P.A. prize in the Stage Pianocategory.
The Nord Electro 2, a compact and lightweight stage keyboard,emulates the B-3 drawbar organ and electric and acoustic pianos. Theorgan section in the Electro 2 is based on a digitally modeled B-3drawbar organ. A complex digital model of the original chorus andvibrato scanner, modeling of the individual random contact bounces foreach partial; modeling of the unique frequency characteristics of thebuilt-in re-amplifier forms the “body” of the B-3 sound; andsimulation of the energy stealth on the tone wheels that results in thetypical compressed sound and authentic tuning of the tone wheelsaccording to the original B-3 design.
The other instrument section of the Nord Electro 2 contains pianoinstruments which are built up by a vast amount of multisamples tocatch every nuance throughout the whole dynamic range. This makes theNord Electro 2 sound extremely realistic. The Nord Electro 2 comes withsix multisampled piano intruments stored in the internal memory: RhodesMk I Suitcase Piano, Rhodes Mk V Stage Piano, Wurlitzer 200A, ClavinetD6 (with 64 filter and pickup combinations), the custom modified ClaviaElectric Grand Model G and a close-miked acoustic Malmsjoe Grand Pianoin stereo. Several additional piano instrument sounds are available forfree download at the Clavia Website: www.clavia.se/