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Rupert Neve Visits Webster U

Webster University's Student Section of the Audio Engineering Society in St. Louis closed out its year with two events featuring Rupert Neve. At the first

Webster University’s Student Section of the Audio Engineering Society in St. Louis closed out its year with two events featuring Rupert Neve. At the first event, Neve, accompanied by his wife, lectured before a standing room — only crowd on topics including his experiences in the early days of console design and issues responsible for the loss of overall quality in digital audio. The following day, he continued the discussion before university students and faculty, focusing on transformers vs. transistors and ICs, dynamic range, mixer and amp topography, ground issues and his latest interest: guitar pickups.

After the discussion, Neve autographed a 1970 Neve console (shown), which is used for its preamps and as a submixer for the DDA DMR-12.

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