SADiE, U.K. manufacturer of professional digital audio and video equipment for the broadcast, film and CD mastering industries, announced two new products at AES Europe.
The company’s new DSD Mastering Workstation, available later this year, is capable of editing and mastering stereo DSD material and producing finished masters for the Super Audio CD (SACD) format. The new product is expected to form the first of a series of new workstations that supports all existing and new delivery formats, offering total system solutions to mastering facilities.
In addition to the recording and editing functions, full SACD authoring facilities to the Scarlet Book standard are incorporated. Using a similar interface to the SADiE Red Book PQ editor, a dialog window allows all SACD text and ancillary data to be entered and edited. An image file can then be automatically created to AITT tape to transfer to factory for pressing.
SADiE also announced its Windows-based DVD-A Direct authoring package for DVD-A, available in June 2001.
DVD-A Direct offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows for easy and rapid ordering of tracks on the disk to create an album playlist. All functions are accessible from standard Windows menus, toolbars or context-sensitive mouse clicks.
Support for all audio formats in the DVD-A spec are included. The system is NTSC- and PAL-compatible with support for both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio formats. DVD-A Direct supports a range of DVD-R recording operations, including Record, Copy Disc, Verify, Create and Write Image, and Read Image.
For more information on these products, visit