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Sheffield Remote Recording

The name Sheffield has been synonymous with high-end professional audio for over 30 years, and as part of the larger Sheffield Audio Video Productions,

The name Sheffield has been synonymous with high-endprofessional audio for over 30 years, and as part of the largerSheffield Audio Video Productions, Sheffield Remote Recording hasbeen in existence for over 20 years. Sheffield’s remote truck hasevolved in that time, starting with a 30-foot Mack truck loadedwith a Neve 8068 console, and is considered by many to be one ofthe best-sounding remote recording trucks in the world.

Designed by Sheffield Audio Video Productions CEO John Ariosa,Sheffield Remote’s new 48-foot truck came online five years ago.This spaciously configured air-ride trailer houses the only SolidState Logic Axiom MT digital console on wheels in North America,confirming Sheffield’s position at the forefront of recordingtechnology. With the Axiom MT, Sheffield Remote can offer up to 96digital inputs; the signal chain includes a fiber-optic connectionto remote A/D converters/mic pre’s, which can be placed on thestage. “The integrity of the signal is simply amazing,”observes Vance, president of Sheffield Remote Recording.

The need to keep clients on the cutting edge of new digitalaudio technologies stems from Sheffield’s roots in both music andaudio and video post-production. The company maintainsstate-of-the-art facilities in Maryland, where there are digitalediting suites and a full soundstage, as well as a fully equipped48-foot video remote truck. However, adds Vance, “As much aswe keep the technology up to date, we always make sure that it’sproven, tested and reliable technology. The very core notion ofremote recording is that you’re going out there, and you are goingto have one chance and one chance only to get it right. So theequipment has to be the best, the people running it have to be thebest, but the technology has to be totally reliable.”

Flexibility has been another key feature of Sheffield’soperations. For instance, the Axiom MT has Instant Reset of allparameters on the console, allowing instantaneous transitionsbetween events onstage or in the studio. Also, the truck’spatchbays and external interfaces allow it to shuttle betweendiverse situations with ease. “In less than a month, we hadworked with NFL Films on the Super Bowl doing voice-overs, set upnext to Mariah Carey’s house for music recording and we just gotback from Ellis Island, where we recorded the Three Irish Tenorsfor a PBS show,” Vance notes.

Sheffield Remote is also equipped with the latest in monitoring— a full 5.1 surround playback system includes Genelec 1031self-powered speakers and a sub, soffited in the control room area.In addition, a TC Electronic 6000 multichannel processor has beenadded to outboard racks that are already laden with a wide array ofstate-of-the-art processors.

“This is a high-end, cutting-edge truck, this is a digitaltruck, and digital high-technology is the language of the future ofmusic, television, film and Internet audio,” says Vance.“But the beauty of this truck is that it strikes a perfectbalance between what clients in all those areas need now and whatthey’ll need in the future. It’s a tight line for us to walk; ittakes constant vigilance. But it’s worth that effort to stay ontop.”


Company Name: Sheffield Remote Recording.Contact: Vance, President. Services Offered:Audio location recording, editing, mixing, voice-over and overdubcapabilities. Main Technology Platforms: 96-input SSLAxiom MT; 48-track Studer D827; Otari MTR-90 MkII; DA-78 (48tracks). Truck Information: 48-foot air-ride trailer withWhite Freightliner with super sleeper cab. Layout: 10-footceilings throughout, 8×8 raised client area; 40×8 controlroom. Partial Client List: Mariah Carey, Luis Miguel,Sting, New Orleans Jazz Festival, Boston Pops, NFL/Super Bowl.

Sheffield Remote Recording
13816 Sunnybrook Road
Phoenix, MD 21131
Tel.: 410/628-7260
Fax: 410/628-1977
Website: www.sheffieldav.comE-mail:
