Angel Mountain Production & Sound (Bethlehem, Penn.) recentlyinstalled Studio Network Solutions’ A/V SAN PRO in its newfacility.
Pictured: Angel Mountain’s Carl Cadden-James poses with the studio’snew A/V SAN PRO.
The A/V SAN PRO is designed to link multiple production workstationsand provide concurrent, real-time access to a centralized storagesystem by all users. Integrated with the A/V SAN PRO system isSNS’s SANmp management software, which works in parallel with theSAN to enable simultaneous, dynamic access to shared storage inmultiplatform environments.
Recent projects completed at Angel Mountain using the A/V SANinclude 5.1 remixes of Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get ItOn, Ludacris’ Chicken-N-Beer, and the AllmanBrothers’ Eat a Peach and Live at the FillmoreEast. Next up is Bob Marley’s Burnin’.
“Being a multiroom facility, the reason the A/V SAN PRO makesso much sense for us is that we can effortlessly cut a really largeproject over a number of rooms,” says Angel Mountain’sdirector of engineering Carl Cadden-James. “We can have the sameproject migrating throughout our different rooms with none of the assetmanagement headaches normally associated with a largeproject.”
For more information on A/V SAN PRO, please visit www.studionetworksolutions.com. To find out moreabout Angel Mountain, visit www.angelmtn.com.