Washington Professional Systems (WPS) has installed the first twoLake Contour™ Pro26D digital loudspeaker processors at the USAFMuseum at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH. The new Lake ContourPro26D incorporates a stereo AES/EBU digital input and output asstandard.
Pictured: The stage and flown sound system at the USAF Museum atWright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH.
By maintaining a fully digital audio signal path all the way to thespeaker processing stage, this latest Lake Contour model claims tooffer improved overall audio system quality through the elimination ofan unnecessary D-A/A-D conversion stage at the console, which canotherwise color the sound.
The two digital Lake Contour Pro26D units at the USAF Museum eachoperate in 4-way linear phase crossover mode, are integrated with aYamaha PM1D console and a flown JBL Vertec system that covers anaudience area of over 50,000 square feet in the large hanger, one ofthree at the museum. A Lake Contour is also installed on asupplementary small event system that incorporates smaller JBL Vertecspeakers.
The two input, six output Lake Contour and new Lake Contour Pro26Dincorporate a set of DSP-based equalization and processing tools,including crossovers, dynamics and delays, that allow the optimizationof performance sound speaker systems.
Lake Technology recently announced a series of new enhancements forthe Lake Contour digital loudspeaker processor in the release ofContour Controller version 2.1 software. New features include fullintegration with the new Lake SmaartLive™ Controller software,which is also now shipping and available as a 30-day, fully functionaldemo at www.contour.lake.com.