Helsingborg, Sweden (October 12, 2022)—Pearl Microphones has introduced the Pearl ELM-T Bernt Malmqvist Signature Edition Tube Microphone. As might be guessed by its name, the microphone was designed by Bernt Malmqvist, who has for Pearl and Milab Microphones since 1954. At age 86, he is still active and the mic is intended to be the culmination of a lifetime creating mics.
In early 2020, Malmqvist was given carte blanche to develop his own signature microphone and after spending more than two years working on the project, the result is a true tube microphone in a Rolex Green Nextel finish with variable polar patterns.
Seen on the Scene: NAMM 2022, Part 1
The power is supplied by a custom-made PSU from Andreas Grosser in Berlin. The microphone is built around the Pearl ELM capsule with a 7:1 height-to-width ratio, one of the largest condenser capsules on the market. In combination with a true tube amplifier, the microphone is said to provide a warm and detailed sound with a smooth off-axis response. The self-noise is at 15 dBA—‚low for a true tube design—and the frequency response extends beyond 20 kHz.
The ELM-T is built entirely by hand in southern Sweden and delivered in an aluminum case with a PSU, cable, shockmount and an individual frequency chart. The mic will debut at an event at Power Station Studios in New York City on Oct 18 and at the AES show, Oct 19-20. First deliveries are expected in December 2022.