Wuppertal, Germany (September 13, 2022)—Riedel Communications unveiled Bolero 2.4 GHz at IBC2022.
Instead of Bolero’s standard DECT band, this new iteration operates on the 2.4 GHz band, allowing customers in regions where DECT carrier frequencies are either limited or unavailable — such as China, India, and South Korea — to use Bolero in difficult RF environments.
Bolero 2.4 GHz uses an identical feature set and offers the same three network modes as the DECT version: Integrated, Standalone Link, and Standalone 2110 (AES67). The 2.4 GHz band limits use to eight beltpacks per antenna instead of 10, but allows for connectivity anywhere, with one “Global” region for 2.4 GHz antennas.
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The 2.4 GHz iteration also comes with Bolero’s voice codec and its multipath tolerant receiver (ADR) technology adapted to 2.4 GHz, allowing the system to continuously adapt to changing RF reflection environments. Other features include near-field communication (NFC) touch-and-go beltpack registration; an ergonomic, robust beltpack design; and three modes as beltpack, desktop key panel, or walkie-talkie.
While Bolero 2.4 GHz was developed primarily for Riedel’s international customers, regions in the United States where the number of DECT carrier frequencies are limited can use a hybrid 2.4 GHz and DECT system as well.