The 6060 Ultimate Module Collection by McDSP is just that: an ultimate collection of more than 30 modules, including 12 EQs, 10 compressors, gates, distortion, tape emulation and more. You can add up to six of these modules inside an instance of 6060, making it incredibly easy to create and tweak your ultimate channel strip without ever leaving the single plug-in window. You can also split these six modules into two separate parallel chains that can be mixed together at the output stage. That means that if you want to apply some gentle tube compression followed by a super smooth Neve-style EQ, and mix that in parallel with some super aggressive 1176-style compression followed by extreme filtering and heavy saturation, this plug-in has you covered. No need to set up sends and buses; it can all be done in a single plug-in.
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Another great feature of the 6060 is that you can very easily audition different styles of compression or EQ. If you’re not quite sure which compressor you want to use, you can set your attack, release, ratio and threshold settings, and then click through the different compressors. It will keep your settings relatively close on each compressor, so you can very quickly find the one that works for your track. While there are far too many modules to cover here, I’ll mention a few that really stood out. First up is Bass Optimized Bias, or BOB for short. If you’ve got a bass or a kick drum lacking in low end, BOB can help! With up to 24 dB of focused low-end boost, BOB can beef up any track. It also features a Squash knob that applies frequency-selective compression to the boosted low end to help keep it under control.
Another winner is the S671. With just two knobs, it’s fast and easy to get the results you want. Turn up the Saturation knob to add a little extra grit and attitude to guitar or keyboard tracks, and use the Tone knob to dial in the sound you’re after. The addition of a feedback/feedforward selector on a number of the compressors is another great feature. The feedforward compression is a little more grabby and bite-y, while the feedback option is smoother and rounder, all of which provide even more compression flavors to the already numerous options.