St John, USVI (May 25, 2022)—Producer/composer Rich Tozzoli recently headed to St John, USVI, for his annual recording retreat, teaming with keyboardist Bruce MacPherson, engineer Mike Dwyer and bassist Hank Skalka to compose and mix for a variety of TV shows with diverse sound palettes. He’s highlighting some of the key plug-ins they brought along to help get things done.
Softube Spring Reverb
As a guitar player who grew up on tube amps, I love my springs. The Softube Spring Reverb delivers the goods and lets you twist just a few knobs to get that “sound.” The two large knobs are for Wet/Dry Mix and One, Two or Three Springs. In between sit smaller Bass and Treble knobs, along with a Tension slider and Shake slider, which creates the explosive sound when you drop your spring amp.
Waves Abbey Road RS124 – A Real-World Review
KIT Plugins BB N105 – Another Real-World Review
Black Box Analog Design HG-2MS – A Real-World Review
We used it on virtually every guitar track and found it to have a warm, dark tone that brought extra life to our DI guitar tracks. We even drove it into a compressor for extra attitude, and we used it on percussion and keys because it was so good. Simple, easy and sonically spot-on.