Asheville, NC – November 7, 2017 … Today the Bob Moog Foundation adds a remarkable design to its line of art t-shirts.Moogsaic, a hand-drawn portraiture of Bob Moog composed of over 250 synthesizers, modules, and other sonic components, was created by illustrator David C. Lovelace.

The Moogsaic t-shirts are being sold through the Foundation’s online store [LINK]. All proceeds from the sale of the shirts benefit the Foundation’s educational and historic preservation projects.
Extraordinary for its impressive attention to detail, theMoogsaicdesign took the artist more than 50 hours and five versions to perfect, as he aspired to bring dimension and integrity to Moog’s face and gaze. The image evokes a sense of curiosity and wonder, initially appearing as an interesting collection of synthesizers when viewed up close, but with Moog’s image clearly emerging when viewed from a few steps away.
Lovelace reflects, “I hope the wearers of this shirt enjoy it, and that it in some way reminds them that there will always be innovators like Bob, staring into infinity, searching for the best path to the best result.”

Lovelace recently joined the Bob Moog Foundation in a consultancy position as its Digital Media Kahuna (the title is an homage to Bob Moog, whose last title at Moog Music, Inc. was Chief Technical Kahuna). Notable for Keyboard Magazine’s “The Packrat” cartoon strip, Lovelace is an accomplished professional illustrator, animator, and musician whose YouTube channel has garnered over two million views.