Free Chapel in Georgia has opened a new satellite campus in Gwinnett with a Meyer Sound MINA™ line array loudspeaker system in its 900-capacity auditorium. The facility is the ministry’s second venue to deploy Meyer Sound, following the success with a CQ-2 and MSL-4 loudspeaker system on its main campus in Gainesville.
“Our Gwinnett auditorium is easily one of the best-sounding rooms I’ve heard in a long time in terms of coverage smoothness,” says Michael Henson, technical director for Free Chapel. “The spoken word clarity is outstanding. We get a straight unprocessed audio feed of Pastor Franklin’s voice, and we’ve found that we have to do almost nothing on the console to make it sound great in the room. The clarity and presence of the MINA system create an optimum environment for worship by producing a sound that’s immersive, but never distracting.”
The auditorium has installed dual arrays of eight MINA loudspeakers each, six 700-HP subwoofers, two UPJ-1P VariO™ loudspeakers for side fill, and eight UPM-2P loudspeakers for front fill and recessed stage monitors. A Galileo® Callisto™ loudspeaker management system with two Galileo Callisto 616 array processors provides system drive and alignment.
Audio quality is critical at Free Chapel in part because Pastor Jentezen Franklin is both an inspiring speaker and accomplished saxophonist. “He has a trained musician’s ear, and after walking the room front to back and side to side for the first time, he was very pleased with what he’d heard, as we all were,” reports Henson.
Outside of the auditorium, the café, bookstore, and entryway areas feature 44 Stella-8C installation loudspeakers. Also implemented are several loudspeaker models with IntelligentDC™, the Meyer Sound technology that combines self-powered advantages with easy installation. The IntelligentDC systems installed in these areas are four MM-4XP self-powered loudspeakers and one MM-10XP and two UMS-1XP subwoofers. All systems were designed and installed by Moyers Group.
“A high priority for this church is that anybody attending—whether in the main auditorium or the overflow areas—should experience the same high level of audio quality,” says Jeremy Moyers, president of Moyers Group.
Moyers Group also supplied dual DiGiCo SD10 digital consoles for FOH and monitors, an Optocore digital snake system, Sennheiser 2000 series wireless IEM and microphone systems, and Shure P6HW wired personal body pack receivers.
The Gwinnett facility is the newest satellite campus of Free Chapel, a fast-growing ministry led by Senior Pastor Jentezen Franklin. The main Gainesville campus’s CQ-2 and MSL-4 loudspeaker system was recently boosted with six 1100-LFC low-frequency control elements.