Company announces release of sophisticated goniometer visual plug–in free of charge
MAAT Incorporated, a manufacturer of exceptional performance professional audio solutions, today announced the release of GŌN, a cross platform plug–in for visualization of digital audio signals. The new product adds to MAAT’s roster of refined, no–cost utilities for audio engineers.

GŌN is a free software goniometer that authentically replicates an analog oscilloscope experience while keeping complexity at bay. This “phase scope” plug–in quickly conveys global trends and potential trouble spots, with an in–built visual out–of–phase warning. In addition, an optional, adjustable auto–gain feature insures that a usable display is always available even with a very wide range of input amplitudes.
Unlike an oscilloscope which takes up room in the studio, GŌN’s purposeful lack of any knobs or switches means its straightforward, resizable user interface contains only a single button, the Preferences gear icon. Control over gain, focus, “phosphor” color, drawing style and persistence are all adjustable by the user, and everything can be saved as a personal preset. All of GŌN’s indispensable visual monitoring is wrapped in an information-rich yet visually unobtrusive user interface that occupies only a small slice of screen real estate. Likewise, the plug-in is very “lightweight” demanding an absolute minimum of CPU resources so it won’t slow down your host.
Friedemann Tischmeyer, president of MAAT, knows that usable metering is essential for any engineer, and GŌN’s options are equally practical, with a notable absence of controls. “GŌN, which rhymes with ‘phone,’ is very easy to use and provides a lot of information all in one place. We have tuned the ballistics to best correlate the visuals with what you are hearing, while keeping CPU utilization to a minimum. As a bonus to everyone in the audio community, we’re giving it away to help make your work day better.”
As with all products from MAAT, sample rates up to 384 kHz are supported for post–production of true HRA PCM workflows. The plug–in is delivered in all modern formats, including cross–platform AAX, VST 2 and VST 3 as well as AU for macOS. GŌN is the second of MAAT’s products to be built as a Universal Binary 2, ready for Apple’s next generation of silicon. Along with full functionality demo versions of their other products, the no–cost GŌN is available anytime from MAAT dot Digital on the web.
MAAT Incorporated, a manufacturer of professional audio solutions, is built on the belief that higher accuracy, exceptional fidelity, enhanced workflows and less visual fatigue are hallmarks of better quality. MAAT is derived from “Mastering Academy Audio Tools,” reflecting the deep connection and practical wisdom derived from years of real world engineering experience. MAAT’s reliance on hard science and in–depth research balanced by extensive listening redefines audio tools for professionals worldwide.
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The MAAT logo, GŌN and GŌNiometer are trademarks of MAAT Incorporated. All other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.