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We’re just hoping we can get these

“This court understands and respects the desire of the LAPD to seek access to the 42-year-old tapes,” Schell wrote in an Oct. 5 ruling. “However, the LAPD how much are ray ban sunglasseshas provided no explanation as to why this court should shortcut the usual procedure for determining a bankruptcy appeal given that the investigation the LAPD wishes to reopen involves murders that occurred 42 years ago.”

cheap ray bansBut an LAPD spokesman told The Associated Press on Thursday that urgency is required because investigators believe more than a dozen unsolved homicides could be linked to Manson family members.

“We’re just hoping we can get these (tapes) as quickly as possible so we can ray ban outletget to the bottom of these cases,” Andrew Smith said.

Watson, who is serving a life sentence in California for his role in the 1969 murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others, has said in court documents ray ban sunglasses outletthat the LAPD should be allowed to listen to the tapes but not possess them. He also has indicated that the Manson family was not responsible for other killings.
