Tech Talk: Production Hacks
Making sure you have top gear and proper gain staging along the signal chain goes a long way to assure you have great sounding...
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Making sure you have top gear and proper gain staging along the signal chain goes a long way to assure you have great sounding...
Read Mix Readers Letters to the Editor, September 2010 issue
I mixed my solo CD, Dedication at home. I decided to accept a ddrop in the quality of the end result and have a...
Another Les Paul Memory In the August and September editions of the MixLine e-newsletter, we asked readers if they have a Les Paul memory...
Bob and Sarah Heil on Les Paul Les and I share adjoining displays in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland....
Steve Miller on Les Paul I've known Les for 61 of my 65 years. He has always been present in my life, always there....
Point of Origin I am a jazz artist/producer/musician and I wanted to let you know a few facts about your article On the Cover:...
In Mix's May 2009 issue, we asked readers to tell us how they listen and A/B their tracks to get the most translatable recordings.
Was the FCC's postponement of the wireless band changeover from February to June a positive decision or did it simply add to consumers'...
I've made a lot of studio recordings and on-location recordings, but the oddest was recording for a film shoot on the Legendary Rhythm &...
Read Mix Readers Letters to the Editor, February 2009 issue
Read Mix Readers Letters to the Editor, January 2009 issue
Read Mix Readers Letters to the Editor, December 2008 issue
Read Mix Readers Letters to the Editor, November 2008 issue
In the Studio With the Lovin' Spoonful I just finished reading Gary Eskow's Lovin' Spoonful article in Mix (Classic Tracks: The Lovin' Spoonful's Do...
Starting out as a one-man sound company, I found that growth meant you would eventually find yourself in a venue larger than your system...
Mix Talkback: Mix focuses on studio design and room acoustics. Whether it was a project studio or a full-blown, multi-room facility, what was the...
Most of us have rigged up a studio in a spare bedroom or even a garage. What’s the oddest place you’ve built a studio?...
The majority of records today are being made in a personal studio–jamming in a spare bedroom, laying down beats in a “closet-turned-control-room” or any...
Worked in post/sound design and scoring for films in Australia from around 2000 to 2007. Made the switch last year to games, working as...