Eurosound Mobiles has truly broadened the definition of the term“mobile recording.” Since its founding by veteran livesound engineer Jan de Groot in the Netherlands in 1971, Eurosound’strucks and systems have ranged around the world, from Moscow toAthens to Nicaragua to Curacao. Celebrating its 30th anniversarythis year, Eurosound now operates from bases in the Netherlands andGermany, where the company established a presence in 1989. ChiefEngineer Peter Brandt heads the group.
Six mobile trucks are now in operation, along with Eurosound’sglobe-trotting Airpack System, a compact and flexible flightcase-based recording system for both analog and digital, which canbe configured for up to 96 channels and can play back and mix in5.1 surround.
Each of Eurosound’s mobile units has unique characteristics, butthey all share the common attributes of being highly flexible andconfigurable, having advanced technology and high-maintenancestandards with accurate acoustics. More specifically, to enablethem to cover a wide range of applications, each Eurosound mobileunit is equipped with triple-standard (PAL, SECAM and NTSC) videomonitors and cameras, one- and two-pair wired communications,wireless communications adaptable to any local frequency standards,full timecode and sync capability, active and passive splittersystems and a massive microphone selection. Each mobile unit alsohas a broad selection of outboard gear, including models fromLexicon, UREI, Eventide, Drawmer, Dolby, GML and Summit, as well asa variety of 36, 48 and 96-input Raindirk consoles and otherconsoles, including Crest Vx and Yamaha submixers available.
Options for each mobile unit include vintage Neumann tubemicrophones, a 6-channel headphone system with up to 100 headsets,surround recording and monitoring, and 64-channel Pro Toolssystems, with a variety of A/D converters available.
Eurosound Mobiles’ trucks and systems have been used by a broadrange of artists, engineers and producers, in an equally widevariety of applications and venues. Rock artists such as Bon Joviand The Scorpions, producer/engineers including Ed Cherney andElliot Scheiner, and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra have allused Eurosound’s resources. Little wonder that Chris Stone, founderof the World Studio Group, called Eurosound Mobiles “thefinest remote recording company in Europe.”
They certainly are the most multicultural. Says Peter Brandt,“Europe is a huge market to service. While the EU has madegetting around it easier, we still have to be fluent in severallanguages, and we have to have the technical and aesthetic abilityto go from recording rock to Bach. Much of Eurosound’s success isbased on our technical abilities and our cost-effectiveness. Butit’s also because we know how to treat both Luciano Pavarotti andthe Rolling Stones.”
Company Name: Eurosound Mobiles. Contact:Peter Brandt. Services Offered: Live recording; broadcastaudio; recording and production for DVD, television, video andfilm; stereo and 5.1 surround recording and mixing. MainTechnology Platforms: Raindirk Symphony consoles (4), Crest Vxconsole; Sony 3348 HR, Studer and Otari analog multitrack andTascam DA-88 (16-bit) and DA-98/78 (24-bit) tape formats; ProTools; Genex 8-track hard disk recorder, Euphonix 48-track harddisk recorder. Vehicle Information: Mercedes 809, 914,1117, Daf 1900 Ns, VW Lt. Layout (in meters): Mobile 1-7,15×2.2×3.45; Mobile 2-8, 3×2.4×3.45; Mobile3-9, 4×2.45×3.6; Mobile 4-11, 3×2.5×3.82;Mobile 5 — (under renovation); Mobile 6, 6×2.3×2.5.Partial Client List: The Rolling Stones, The Eagles,Sting, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, The Scorpions,Luciano Pavarotti, Genesis, Toto, Dire Straits, Peter Gabriel,Madonna, Bryan Adams.
Eurosound Mobiles
GERMANY: PO Box 180220
42627 Solingen, Germany
Tel.: 49/212/254-1225 • Fax: 49/212/254-1227
GSM: 49/171/212-3171
NETHERLANDS: Dijkstraat 5
6674 AG Herveld, The Netherlands
Tel: 31/488/451048 • Fax: 31/488/451042