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Mix Daily News Archive for October

Weeks of October 1-12 Microsoft, Euphonix Join Forces Microsoft Corp. and Euphonix announced an agreement that allows Euphonix to manufacture, sell and

Weeks of October 1-12

Microsoft, Euphonix Join Forces

Microsoft Corp. and Euphonix announced an agreement that allowsEuphonix to manufacture, sell and support the HDCD Model Two Processor,a high-resolution A/D converter designed for DVD and CD mastering.

The two companies will work together on marketing efforts tocontinue the adoption of HDCD (high-definition-compatible digital)technology by top recording artists, producers and engineers.

The Model Two Processor encodes audio in HDCD format, therebyimproving sound playback in standard consumer devices and players withHDCD decoding.

“The Model Two fits into our philosophy of offering the absolutehighest quality audio equipment,” said Dave Hansen, VP of productmarketing for Euphonix. “With the addition of the Model Two, we nowoffer a powerful end-to-end audio solution for professional recording,mixing and mastering.”

For more, visit Euphonix online at

Sennheiser Announces New Product Manager

Matt Carlin, a seven-year veteran of Sennheiser (Old Lyme, Conn.),has been appointed to the newly created position of product manager fordistributed brands.

Carlin will maintain stock levels, attend trade shows and answercustomer service questions for Innova-Son, Chevin and DAS. (Neumann,Sennheiser’s other distributed brand, has its own product manager.)Carlin will also develop sales leads for distribution to Sennheisersales associates, and supervise East and West coast development.

“Matt’s vast knowledge of Sennheiser’s distributed product lines,technical background and commitment to promoting our presence makes himthe perfect candidate for this new position,” said Jeff Alexander,director of distributed brands.

For more, visit Sennheiser online at

Innovason Console Used For ‘America: A Tribute To Heroes’

Just 10 days after the terrorist attacks on September 11,Hollywood’s stars came out to raise funds for the victims of theattacks in a nationally televised show that aired on over 30 networksin 210 countries.

The advanced technology and instant recall of Innovason’sall-digital Grand Live monitor console helped play a part to pull offthe unprecedented event without a hitch. Nearly 60 million Americanswatched “America: A Tribute To Heroes,” which raised over $150 millionin donations.

The show was simultaneously telecast from Sony Music Studios in NewYork and CBS-TV in L.A. ATK (Burbank, Calif.) provided all of the audioequipment, aside from a few items from the Westwood One truck. On theL.A. set, gear included the ATK M2 and M5 stage monitors, two InnovasonGrand Live monitoring consoles, and a variety of outboard effects andmics, plus a dedicated staff to run it all. Firehouse Productions ofNew York provided all equipment for the East Coast. All equipment wasdonated. Mics used included Tom Petty on a Neumann KMS 150, Faith Hillusing a KMS 105 and the Dixie Chicks using a Neumann U87.

The show came together in less than a week, testing the logisticalskills and professionalism of everyone involved. Tom Pesa, audioengineer and technician for ATK Audiotek Corp., said that last-minuteimpromptu changes were the rule in an effort to make the show as movingand heartfelt as possible. For example, the time between load-in andthe actual telecast was a mere 36 hours.

“There was no dress rehearsal,” said Pesa. “During soundcheck, eachartist played through their song three or four times. I just built mymonitor mixes on the Innovason and hit Save repeatedly. I was able todispense with any rack processors, except for special effects, andinstead relied on the Innovason’s in-line processing. The beauty of itis that everything, including the EQ and dynamics parameters, is savedwith a mix. When it was time for the actual show, I relied on thosesaved mixes — as distant as they seemed, given the hectic pace ofeverything.”

For more on the Innovson console used for the telethon,

Sony Music Entertainment Selects Neve Consoles

Sony Music Entertainment Japan has installed three 72-channel Neve88R analog consoles into its large new complex in Tokyo. The facilityalso hosts five AMS Neve 33609 Limiter Compressors, five AMS DMX-15sand five AMS RMX016s.

The three 88R consoles are installed in Studios 1, 2 and 3 at thestudio bau:ton-designed facility. The new facility features fiverecording studios, 12 mastering studios and seven authoringstudios.

“Sony Music Entertainment needs a large studio complex to allow fora comprehensive and continous operation, including recording,mastering, archiving and up-to-date online music distribution,” saidchief technical engineer Mr. Watanabe. “The reaction to the studiodesign has been very favorable, and everyone is amazed by the totalsound created with all the equipment — it has been very well acceptedfor its clarity.

“We chose analog consoles, because digital consoles would not havebeen suitable because of the bandwidth,” Watanabe continues. “Followinga series of sound-quality tests, we chose the Neve 88Rs, because theconsole is exclusively designed for recording applications.”

For more, visit

Incorrect Price for QSC Product

In Mix‘s AES New Products Guide, the QSC CX168 wasincorrectly priced at $1,350 U.S. The correct price for the unit is$2,450.

Mix regrets the error.

Elvin Jones, Al Kooper Receive Honorary Doctorates

Jazz drummer Elvin Jones and rock musician/songwriter/producer AlKooper received honorary doctor of music degrees during Berklee Collegeof Music’s (Boston) 2001 Entering Student Convocation on September 7,2001.

The two honorees helped to welcome Berklee’s entering Class of 2005.Berklee College of Music president Lee Eliot Berk recounted many ofJones’ and Kooper’s impressive accomplishments as he presented eachwith their honorary doctor of music degrees.

Beginning with Jones, Berk said, “In the world of music, there areleaders and followers, innovators and imitators. Elvin Jones is both aleader and an innovator, and one of the most influential drummers inthe history of jazz.”

After receiving his honorary degree, Jones said, “I don’t know whatto say. Music is a universe that needs to be explored to the fullest. Iwish you the best in your endeavors.”

In 1960, Jones became a member of the John Coltrane Quartet. Hiswork during his six-year association with Coltrane constitutes one ofthe most creative and innovative periods in the evolution of modernjazz. Among the classic recordings that feature Jones and Coltrane areLive at the Village Vanguard, Impressions, Live atBirdland and A Love Supreme. During this period, Jonesdeveloped a new role for jazz drummers, diverging from simply keepingthe beat to becoming an equal, collaborative improviser. Afteringleaving Coltrane in 1966, Jones led a series of groups notable fortheir instrumentation. Most recently, he has worked with a quintetcalled Jazz Machine that features bassist David Pulphus, pianist EricLewis, saxophonist Pat LaBarbera and trombonist Delfeayo Marsalis.

Introducing Al Kooper, Berk said: “Al Kooper played a vital role inbringing some of the most noteworthy, roots-based rock music andmusicians of the ’60s and ’70s to a vast audience. His work as asongwriter, session player and producer place him among the true giantsof American popular music.”

Kooper expressed his thanks after receiving his honorary degree andsaid to the audience, “When it came time for me to go to college, I hadalready received a certain amount of notoriety in music, but I wantedto learn more about what I had chosen to do with my life. I couldn’tfind the education that I needed. Back then, Berklee had a veryjazz-oriented curriculum, which was over my head at the time. When Icame here to teach in 1997, I found the curriculum that I had beenlooking for. I guess I was born too early, but you are not.”

Al Kooper’s first success came in 1959, at the age of 15, followedby his most productive period in the 1960s and 1970s. Kooper’s biggesthist, “This Diamond Ring,” which he wrote in the early ’60s as anR&B song, became a hit for Gary Lewis and The Playboys and hassince logged close to three million radio performances. Other creditsinclude his signature organ part on the 1965 single “Like a RollingStone” on Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisted album. This began along association with Dylan, which led to a job producing Dylan’sNew Morning album. In the late ’60s, Kooper recorded threecritically acclaimed albums with the Blues Project and founded Blood,Sweat & Tears. After one album with Blood, Sweat & Tears,Kooper left the group and returned to playing sessions, backingsuperstars like Jimi Hendrix, The Who and the Rolling Stones. Othercredits include signing The Zombies to Columbia Records and thenlaunching his own Sounds of the South label, which featuredKooper-produced albums for Lynyrd Skynyrd, B.B. King, The Tubes, NilsLofgren and others. Most recently, he performed with Joe Walsh, JohnMellencamp and Bob Dylan and recorded with his all-star band TheRekooperators.

For more on these honorees, visit

AMS Neve Launches Modular I/O System 96

AMS Neve (Burnley, UK) introduces the Modular I/O System 96 (MIOS96), which delivers definitive Neve-quality audio at 24-bit/96kHz or48kHz/44.1kHz resolution from a precision-engineered package.

Each compact, 4U MIOS rack houses up to six hot-pluggable modulesselected from a range, whicj supports a variety of analog and digitalI/O formats, and connects these to the console using MADI. Silent,natural cooling is used, and dual-redundant supplies are incorporated,removable from the front of the rack.

Features of the rack include:

• choice of dual-fiber or dual-co-ax MADI connections

• four built-in DAC converters in addition to any DAC modulesthat may be fitted for talkback, foldback or studio speakers

• a front panel headphone socket that can be switched tomonitor any of the rack inputs

• AMS Neve’s WorkFlow initiative, which providesbi-directional, intelligent integration to confirm which channel on theconsole each input is connected to

The first MIOS 96 module to be released is a Quad MicrophoneAmplifier. Based on the classic Neve mic input stage, the new designprovides for 24-bit, 96kHz conversion circuitry. Each mic amp canswitch between two microphone and one line-level input, and includes aremotely switchable analog limiter and a highpass filter.

Other modules due for release include line-level ADC and DACmodules, each with 16 channels of I/O, and an AES/EBU module with eightdual channels of sample rate converter input and eight of output.

For more, visit AMS Neve online at

Broadway Sound and Lighting Classes Announced

The ninth annual Broadway Lighting Master Classes (BLMC) will, forthe first time, take place alongside the first Broadway Sound MasterClasses (BSMC) on December 6-9, 2001. The BLMC will be held at John JayCollege in New York City, while the BSMC will be held at SIR Studios inManhattan.

Produced byEntertainment Design, the master classes include aperformance of Chicago, followed by a backstage tour andin-depth discussion of the designs for Chicago. The classesoffer attendees the opportunity to meet leading designers working inBroadway sound and lighting, as well as offering tips and techniquesfor successful design solutions, and insights into successful careermanagement.

Abe Jacob, legendary sound designer, was brought onboard as creativeconsultant for the new BSMC. These master classes will offer thesedesigners and their respective topics: Jacob on how sound becamenecessary in the theater, and budgets and management; Tom Clark andMark Menard discussing sound as art and an idealized process for thecreative use of sound design in the theater; Chris Cronin on preparingand executing the design; Chris Evans and Clark on touring soundpackages and the expectations of the road house; Steve Kennedyexamining design of a Broadway musical; Jonathan Deans looking at thedesign you may not have thought of; Duncan Edwards on preparing thesystem for optimization; John Kilgore on creating the proper soundeffect today; and Deans on how to create that perfect effect eightstime a week.

Tony Award-winning lighting designer Jules Fisher serves as creativeconsultant and head of the faculty for the BLMC. The schedule andfaculty for this year’s BLMC include: the opening address by Fisher;Beverly Emmons on issues of style in lighting design; Chris Parry’slook at lighting paintbrushes; Peggy Eisenhauer on musical cueing andthe use of moving lights; Donald Holder’s look at the use of groundrows; Wendall K. Harrington questioning projections and their use; anaddress by architectural lighting designer Paul Marantz of FisherMarantz Stone; Vivien Leone on following the paper trail; and RichardPilbrow on the European tradition.

All master class attendees are invited to joinEntertainment Design for the 10th anniversary of theannual EDDY Awards on Friday, December 7 at the John Jay CollegeTheatre. This year’s awards will once again honor excellence in designand technology for the entertainment industry.

Both the BLMC and BSMC will have showcases of leading technologydisplayed by leading manufacturers in the sound and lightingindustry.

For more information, visit or register online at

QSC Promotes Jeremy Johnston

QSC Audio Products (Costa Mesa, Calif.) recently appointed JeremyJohnston to the position of systems specialist for the company’sportable live sound division. In this role, Johnston will beresponsible for product training and demonstration, and technicalsupport. He will also be involved in the design and integration ofprofessional touring systems and will be instrumental in the launch ofQSC’s new speaker products.

In his previous position of systems engineering supervisor for QSC,Johnston helped develop application software for QSC’scomputer-controlled network audio system, QSControl, and also developeda number of utilities to increase the functionality of that system.

“We are extremely pleased to have Jeremy join our team,” said BrianEnglish, QSC portable live sound marketing manager. “He brings a wealthof skills in all facets of the pro touring and live sound markets, notto mention the considerable experience he gathered while serving inQSC’s technical services group.”

For more, visit QSC on the Web at

Weeks of October 15-31

New Appointments at Meyer Sound

Meyer Sound (Berkeley, Calif.) announced two appointments to itsstaff.

Buford Jones joins Meyer Sound as the tour liaison manager. In thisposition, Jones will work with sound companies, tour productionmanagers and artists in support of the company’s sound reinforcementproducts. Based in Nashville, Jones has an extensive background in proaudio as a live sound and post-production mixer, and he has won a TECAward for his work as a sound reinforcement engineer. He has toured asa live sound mixer or engineered for such acts as Stevie Wonder, EricClapton, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Faith Hill, Jeff Beck, GeorgeHarrison, James Taylor, SHeDaisy and many others.

“It’s a real pleasure to welcome Buford to the Meyer Sound team,”said Greg McVeigh, director of North American sales. “His experienceand reputation are legendary. With him onboard, we now have a powerfulteam in place to work with the critical touring market. And, moreimportantly, we finally have someone who knows how to play golf.”

In other company news, Luke Jenks is promoted to director ofEuropean technical support. Based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, Jenkswill provide technical support and design services to Meyer Soundcustomers in Europe, and serve as a direct technical liaison to thecompany’s headquarters. Having worked previously in R&D, U.S.technical support and design services, and as manager of speakertesting since joining the company in 1989, Jenks brings a thoroughknowledge of Meyer Sound products to the position.

“I look forward to making our company’s outstanding level of serviceeven more accessible to our European customers by bringing it directlyto their time zome,” Jenks said of his new role.

For more, visit Meyer Sound online at

Digidesign Announces It Won’t Attend AES Show

A letter from Digidesign’s general manager, Dave Froker:

“Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist action, there has beenspeculation regarding Digidesign’s attendance at the upcoming 111th AESshow. We want to address the questions that have been raised by ourcustomers, devlopers and the press about our presence at this importantannual event.

“Faced with a decision that will impact many, we deliberated atlength to find a solution. Digidesign will not be attending the AESshow on November 30th. Our decision is based on a range of factors.

“September 11th was a day of great tragedy. It seems no one wentuntouched. The frantic need to find family and loved ones was anexperience commonly shared by us all. The loss of our colleague atAvid, Doug Gowell, distressed many. At such an uncertain time, we madea choice not to attend the show.

“At the behest of AES, we withheld this information until theydeemed it an appropriate time for public announcements. We are in fullsupport of the AES, and the AES understands our decision. For years,Digidesign has participated in the show, benefiting from broad exposureto industry-leading engineers, scientists and technology developers.And while there’s no substitute for the value Digidesign can gain fromattending AES, we believe that this year, we have an equally importantcivic responsibility to contribute to the ongoing relief efforts thathave followed the events of September 11. A company-wide decision wasmade to redirect some funds set aside for AES to a number of charities.Digidesign and Avid are contributing to the Red Cross, NY Firefighter’s9-11 Disaster Relief Fund, and specific relief agencies. Additionally,we remain committed to bringing valuable business back to the city hithardest by these events and have scheduled a DigiWorld event in NewYork for the first quarter of 2002.

“Digidesign is aware of the sentiments expressed on our DigidesignUser Conference, and know that some will not agree with our decision.We hope that at times like these, people will choose to put theirenergies toward more constructive and positive efforts. Lastly, wewould like to thank all of our employees, customers and developers forunderstanding our decision and supporting Digidesign during thistime.”

AES Standards Available Online

In order to make the AES standards more available to practicingengineers, the Audio Engineering Society standards and informationdocuments are now available online for free download.

“This new service will be particularly helpful to small companiesand consultants with budgetary constraints that might make the purchaseof standards difficult, especially if they are not absolutely certainthat what they are purchasing is relevant to their needs, or if theyare obtaining the latest version,” said John Nunn, chair of the AESStandards Committee. “Additionally, the ability to download thedocuments off the Web will make it possible for anyone who needs themto obtain their own personal copies.”

Standards will continue to be available for purchase from GlobalEngineering Documents in paper and CD-ROM forms.

For more, visit or call the AES headquarters at212/661-8528.

Michael Jackson to Release Relief Song

Michael Jackson will release his recording, “What More Can I Give,”in rememberance of the September 11 attacks. While dozens of reliefefforts were being publicized, Jackson kept the tribute song in secrecyas he flew around the country recording the song with music’s biggeststars.

To date, Ricky Martin, Mariah Carey, Carlos Santana, Celine Dion,Tom Petty, Beyonce Knowles of Destiny’s Child, Julio Iglesias, RebaMcEntire, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, Luther Vandross, Shakira, BrianMcKnight, Gloria Estefan, Mya, Aaron Carter, John Secada, Billy Gilman,Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men, Alejandro Sandz, Christian Castro, OlgaTanon, Anastascia, Juan Gabriel, Luis Miguel, Thalia, Ziggy Marley, 3LWand many more appear on the Jackson-assembled and produced reliefsong.

With a goal of raising more than $50 million for the families,orphans and survivors of the attacks, Jackson will release both Englishand Spanish versions of the song.

Jackson stated in a release, “I believe in my heart that the musiccommunity will come together as one and rally to the aid of thousandsof innocent victims. There is a tremendous need for relief dollarsright now, and through this effort one of us can play an immediate rolein helping comfort so many people.”

Dolby Names New Director

Dolby Laboratories (San Francisco) announced that Andy Smith hasbeen appointed director of global brand marketing. In this newlycreated position, Smith will manage Dolby’s strategic brand marketingefforts worldwide, with responsibility for the ongoing positioning,identity and personality of the Dolby brand in all markets andterritories.

“Andy’s wide range of experience managing the marketing and brandingefforts of high-tech companies will serve us greatly in our continuingefforts to position Dolby for leadership in the 21st-century businessclimate,” said Marty Jaffe, VP of business affairs.

Prior to joining Dolby, Smith served as VP of marketing at LiquidWitInc., where he led sales and marketing, and developed and implementedproduct, brand and communications strategy for this Internet-basedcreative services company.

For more, visit

Mackie, EAW Introduce Online Tradeshow

Mackie Designs (Woodinville, Wash.) announced the creation of afully interactive, online tradeshow exhibit that will highlight newproducts from Mackie, Mackie Industrial and Eastern Acoustic Works(EAW). The virtual tradeshow event can be accessed via Mackie, MackieIndustrial or EAW’s main Websites:, or

The “e-show” will offer educational and entertaining features,including streaming and downloadable video demonstrations, new productannouncements and online Q&A forums. In addition, the e-show willfeature downloadable software demos, instant access to productdatasheets and a series of topic-specific threaded discussions hostedby reps from all three companies.

EAW will launch their online exhibit on November 2 to coincide withthe LDI show in Orlando, Fla. On November 28, EAW’s exhibit will becombined with exhibits from Mackie and Mackie Industrial for theultimate online tradeshow experience.

Euphonix Names New Regional Director of Sales

Euphonix Inc. (Palo Alto, Calif.) promoted Brian Dorfman to directorof sales for the Eastern region. Dorfman will be based out of the NewYork Euphonix offices in Manhattan.

Dorfman had been the director of technical customer support for theEastern region over the past four years.

Chris Pelzar, president of sales for North America, spoke about theappointment: “Brian has been a key contact at Euphonix for all of ourEastern region clients for several years. Having myself previously beenthe VP for this region and handling this office for many years, I haveintimate knowledge of Brian’s strong technical background. Ourcustomers will benefit by getting a partner who really understands theissues facilities face when upgrading to digital audio.”

For more, visit Euphonix on the Web at

CDAI Adds To Staff

CDAI (Atlanta), a specialty engineering firm that focuses onpresentation and performing arts technology, has hired W. Allen Schulteas a project manager. Schulte has 16 years of pro A/V industryexperience, including consulting and design work on projects requiringmulti-dimensional audio/video/control, lighting, acoustics and spaceplanning.

In addition, CDAI welcomed Scott Olsen as an acoustics and testingservices specialist. His responsibilities will include acoustics andtesting services in support of CDAI’s corporate and education clients,as well as the company’s performing arts and A/V project designs.Previously, Olsen worked in the Office of Information Technologies andEducational Technologies at the Georgia Institute of Technology whilecompleting his Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. Olsen also hasexperience with studio recording and sound engineering projects forseveral local and regional artists, as well as live sound mixing fortouring shows.

Commenting on the new hires, Rogers Dixon, president of CDAI, said:”Mr. Schulte brings tremendous systems installation andtrouble-shooting capabilities to the CDAI team. His largeaudio/video/control system experience will be utilized to facilitatethe integration of these important technologies into all of ourprojects.

“Mr. Olsen’s unique combination of acoustics curriculum and’hands-on’ experience will enhance the CDAI team by providingadditional bench strength to our firm’s acoustic and audio-visualservices.”

For more, visit CDAI online at

New York DV Conference and Expo Announced

The New York DV Conference and Expo, hosted by Mindshare Venturesand Future Media Concepts, will be held on February 10-14, 2002, at theNew Yorker Hotel and Manhattan Center. The event will cover the latestin digital video technology and techniques, as well as presenting 150sessions, keynotes and special events.

Sessions will cover a range of topics including productiontechniques, editing power tips, special effects, cameras and decks,hardware peripherals, streaming, DVD authoring, 3-D animation, audioediting and business issues. Also included are sessions on productsfrom Adobe, Apple, Avid, Discreet, Macromedia, Media100, Microsoft,Pinnacle, Real, Sonic and Sony.

For more information, visit

Volkerz Returns To Euphonix

Euphonix Inc. (Palo Alto, Calif.) announced that its Eastern salesdivision has expanded by bringing Gerard Volkerz back to Euphonix asproduct support and sales specialist. Volkerz will be based out of theNew York office in Manhattan.

Volkerz had worked for Euphonix for over three years as productspecialist for the Eastern region, and then spent time at DSP Media asits Eastern U.S. sales manager.

“I worked with Gerard for many years previously at Euphonix,” ChrisPelzar, Euphonix president of U.S. sales said, “and I know many of ourclients will be extremely pleased he has returned.”

“I am really excited to return to Euphonix,” Volkerz said. “WhenChris Pelzar called and asked me to return, it was an easy decision toaccept this expanded position for a company and the people that I amextremely familiar with.”

For more, visit

Spoiled By Technology Hosts Pro Audio Expo 2001

Spoiled By Technology announced the Pro Audio Expo 2001 where thecompany will preview some of the new products scheduled forintroduction at this year’s AES convention. The expo will be held onWednesday, November 7, 2001, at the Schaumburg Prairie Center for theArts (Schaumburg, Ill.) from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Displays and demos of new pro audio gear include products from:Alesis Studio Electronics, Ashly Audio, Brauner, CommunityLoudspeakers, Drawmer, Eventide, Genelec, LM Engineering, MacPherson,Numark, QSC Audio, Soundcraft and Soundelux.

To register for product demos and exhibits, contact Spoiled byTechnology at 630/357-7742 or e-mail

The Radiators Truck Stolen, Equipment Missing

Late Wednesday night (October 24) or early Thursday morning (October25) in New Orleans, The Radiators’ equipment truck was stolen from theSt. Charles Avenue/Josephine Street area. The truck was fully loadedwith all of the band’s gear. The truck has since been located, but itwas found empty.

Among the equipment stolen was a custom-made bass guitar, a vintageFender Stratocaster, a Noble and Cooley drum kit, a vintage Les Paulguitar and many other instruments.

“After just completing a two-week European tour with this band, and80 other fans across America, I’m sure we can muster the resourcesnecessary to alleviate some of the hardships of this tragedy,” said theLouisiana Music Commission executive director Bernie Cyrus. “Ouroffices will work with law enforcement officials, music stores and pawnshops to help recover the stolen equipment and help to prosecute thoseresponsible.”

Serial numbers and a full list of all the equipment isforthcoming.

If anyone has any information on the stolen equipment, please reportit to the local police immediately.

For more, visit

Parsons Audio Expo Announced

On Wednesday, November 14, 2001, Parsons Audio (Wellesley, Mass.)will host its Expo from noon to 9 p.m. The event will include productexhibits and presentations from those manufacturers that have decidedto not exhibit at this year’s AES Convention and many others.

Exhibiting at the expo will be Digidesign, Fostex, Genelec, Lexicon,Neumann, Rorke Data, SADiE, Sony, Tascam, Waves and Yamaha. Alsopresent will be the regional representatives from ART, Ashly Audio,Audio-Technica, Audix, Auralex, Blue Sky, Denon, DPA, Dynaudio,Drawmer, Emagic, Event, EAW, Furman, Genex, Hafler, HHB, Juice Goose,Mackie, Metric Halo, Presonus, QSC, Raxxess, RODE, Sabine, Sennheiser,Stewart Audio, Studiomaster, Symetrix, Tannoy, TC Electronic and manymore.

The expo will take place in the Wellesley Community Center inWellesley Hills, Mass., on Route 16 at Route 9.

Directions to the expo and more information can be found

Musictech College Begins Renovation

The $3.6 million renovation and build-out of the new MusictechCollege of Music and Recording Arts in Saint Paul, Minn., officiallybegan this month. When it opens in late January 2002, its 60,000 squarefeet will more than double the recording, performing, production andteaching space the college once occupied in Minneapolis.

Located at the former Science Museum East Building (also known asthe Arts & Science Center), the new Musictech College will containa 300-seat auditorium, 10,000 square feet of recording studios, musiclibrary, 12 listening stations, six production suites, 12 practicerooms and two state-of-the-art digital laboratories. A8,000-square-foot student commons area and courtyard, built in thepenthouse of the original Arts & Science building, will have aninformal performance space for student musicians.

Musictech president and co-founder Jack McNally also announced thesenew developments:

The Saint Paul Conservatory of Music (formerly the University of St.Thomas Conservatory of Music) will join Musictech as a tenant at thenew St. Paul site, thus adding classical music training for 500students.

Musictech is forging a partnership with the Minnesota BusinessAcademy (MBA), whereby Musictech will offer private music lessons andmusic business classes to the MBA’s 365 students. In turn, the BusinessAcademy is in discussions to offer performance space to Musictechstudents.

Exclusive to the new site, Musictech will add a new motionimaging/music for multimedia program to its curriculum. The programwill educate students on how to create musical underscores for videogames, TV, Internet, TV and radio advertising, CD-ROMs and interactivemultimedia.

The Great American History Theatre will remain a tenant inMusictech’s building. Musictech will also maintain the green park spacefacing the Fitzgerald Theatre.

Commenting on the renovation, McNally said, “For the first time,downtown Saint Paul is truly becoming a concentrated center for themusical arts. Musictech, augmented by the Saint Paul Conservatory, willjoin hands with the Ordway Center, Fitzgerald Theatre, Saint PaulPublic Library, Minnesota Public Radio, the Artists’ Quarter jazz cluband other downtown institutions to create a haven for musicalperformance and study.”

Visit Musictech online at
