PreSonus Audio Electronics Inc. is now shipping the Central Station,a comprehensive control center featuring five stereo inputs and outputs(two digital and three analog) and a street price of less than$500.
The main audio path of the Central Station is completely passive.This mastering-level signal path has no amplifier stages including opamps, active ICs or chips eliminating coloration, noise and distortion.The unit is also equipped with 34 sealed relays, which utilize aminimal signal path design so that the audio does not pass throughextraneous electronics.
Accompanying three sets of monitor outputs, each with their own setof trim pots, are three sets of analog stereo analog inputs toaccommodate DAW/Mixer, Tape/CD or Keyboard/Sampler. Two of these inputsfeature balanced TRS jacks and the third has RCA inputs with trimcontrol for matching signals at different levels. It also accommodatestwo digital inputs via S/PDIF or TOSLINK, providing D/A conversion upto 24Bit/192kHz.
Dual fast-acting, 30 segment digital LED meters provide highresolution metering of input level as well as calibration to externalequipment. The Central Station also offers a talkback omnidirectionalcondenser microphone that is routed through the CUE outputs forcommunication between artist and engineer. When the talkback feature isused, the cue mix is automatically dimmed for optimalcommunication.
Other features on the Central Station include two headphone outputs,MUTE, DIM, MONO, INPUT select, CUE select and OUTPUT select. Anoptional remote control (CSR-1) is available including TALKBACK, MUTE,DIM, MONO, INPUT and OUTPUT selection, as well as level adjustment.
For more information on the Central Station visit: www.presonus.com/html/products/centralstation.html.