The designers of the Soundmaster Integrated Operations Nucleus (ION), which serves as a “universal translator” for various technology standards in the film and TV post-production industries, received a Scientific and Engineering Academy Award in a ceremony on February 27. The ION system has been in use at studios including Sony Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Disney, Todd-AO and Universal. The design team, led by Sound- master president and CEO Robert Predovich, includes John Scott, Ken Husain and Cameron Shearer…Installations: Superdupe Recording in NYC has purchased a Fairlight Media-Link networking system to connect its six MFX3[superscript]plus DAWs and FAME console. Also Creative Domain, a theatrical trailer editing/marketing company, has built an audio division around a FAME-MFX3[superscript]plus package… Tell-A-Vision Post, Hollywood, has opened a new audio bay based around a Panasonic DA7 digital console, Studer Dyaxis DAW and Genelec surround monitoring system and Dolby DP569/DP562 encoder/decoder…Soundtracs is on a roll with its DPC II digital production console, recently putting in a board at SD Post in Utopia Village, England. SD Post does numerous projects for the BBC, as well as Sky Television’s popular soap Dream Team…Also in the UK, Grand Central in Soho has added 16 BSS FDS-355 Omnidrive crossovers as part of its conversion to 5.1 mixing…Following MTV Europe’s spec, Sound Republic of London has installed a Calrec Q2 dual inline analog console for its TV studio…Twickenham Film Studios, London, has ordered its second Bag End ELF subwoofer system…Projects: Engineer Bob Lacivita and assistant Adrian Gauslin at The Complex (L.A.) recorded the ADR and full cast for the new Dilbert TV series…Production sound mixer William Sarokin used a combination of Nagra D digital recording and Audio Ltd. RMS2000 and RMS2020 radio systems…Sound Techniques of Boston was busy with Frontline and PBS documentaries, including The 50 Years War, then later flexed their LCRS muscle on a project for the National Park Service, followed by 5.1 for the Carnegie Science Museum…Daryl Steurmer, former lead guitarist for Phil Collins and Genesis, has put out a new CD, but he also scores commercials out of his Milwaukee-based studio, Urban Island Music LLC. He and pianist Kostia recently performed for a Microsoft TV spot, titled “You Know”…Hunter Pipes and Wild Brain of DubeyTunes, San Francisco, cooked up the effects and mix for a Kentucky Fried Chicken spot featuring a live action/animated Colonel voiced by Randy Quaid…Moving Up: AudioBanks, the award-winning composition/post house, has completed the addition of three new surround rooms with attached tracking spaces. The company also added talent with the hiring of engineer Conner Moore, formerly of Post Logic…Broadcast Video Inc. of Miami Beach has hired Wilfredo “Willie” Elias, a hot bilingual audio mixer from Puerto Rico, to design, edit and mix in the Pro Tools suite…In a long-overdue appointment, John Mozzi has been named to the new position of Director, Post Production Division at Akai…East Side Audio, NYC, has signed Emmy-nominated mixer Todd Miller, formerly of Photomag, to work out of its soon-to-be-opened Lower East Side facility…After several years working solo, composer Jeff Kinder has rejoined RKM Studios in Atlanta as director of creative services…David Litwin Productions has relocated to Sausalito, CA, and built a new facility, Room 101, around a 24-bit Pro Tools MIX system…NBC vice president Charles Jablonski took over as president of SMPTE on January 1…Finally, if you have a Windows-based machine and an extra $1,295 laying around, you can’t go wrong with Alan Goble’s Complete Index to World Film Since 1895 on CD-ROM. Call 908/665-2801 for more information.
The designers of the Soundmaster Integrated Operations Nucleus (ION), which serves as a "universal translator" for various technology standards in the