Digidesign DigiStudio
Digidesign (www.digidesign.com) is now shipping the DigiStudio system for Pro Tools Internet collaboration, jointly developed between Digidesign and Rocket Network. DigiStudio lets Pro Tools users exchange tracks (including stereo and multichannel tracks) over the Web through the Digidesign Production Network (DigiProNet.com). Contributors may upload both audio and MIDI files and track changes from their local drives to a centralized server, and changes are automatically updated and distributed to remote studio participants. Users can also transfer playlists, control settings, automation and plug-in information; other features include file compression, video posting and receiving, and an instant messaging chat window. A Mixdown function allows finished audio to be delivered for client review and approval. DigiStudio accounts start at $10; for more information, visit www.digipronet.com/digistudio.
Sonic Solutions eDVD
Sonic Solutions (www.sonic.com) has enhanced its eDVD authoring system, which now includes InterActual Technologies’ new Player 2.0 and engine technologies. Sonic eDVD lets authors create Web-connected DVD content without having to code in HTML or Java; by attaching a URL to a DVD menu button or within motion video, eDVD authors can enable Web-connected viewers to easily jump to a site. Sonic’s DVD authoring applications automatically convert URLs and other Web events into XML code, which is compiled by the integrated InterActual DVD engine into the runtime software required for PC platforms. This runtime player links to the computer’s DVD-Video player and presents the end-user with a new interface that combines DVD-Video, Web browsing and support for Macromedia Flash playback. The eDVD player application will be included as an output option in Sonic’s professional DVD authoring applications.
WOWCaster from SRS Labs (www.srstechnologies.com) is a preprocessor for Internet radio that uses proprietary signal processing to enhance audio quality, enabling broadcasters to stream higher fidelity at lower bit rates. The hardware processes stereo files prior to compression, expanding stereo width and adding psycho-acoustic bass to compensate for both the loss of fidelity through compression and the low quality of many multimedia speaker systems. WOWCaster license fees start at $695 per year.
SoftSynth.com JSyn
JSyn from SoftSynth.com (www.softsynth.com) is an audio synthesis API for Java and is designed to allow users to develop interactive computer music pieces in Java. Based on unit generators that can be connected to form complex sounds, JSyn offers real-time, 16-bit/44.1kHz audio synthesis. The library of unit generators includes oscillators, filters, envelopes, noise generators and effects, and additional features include audio input support, time-stamping for event control, support for multichannel devices, sample and envelope data queuing, and Wire, a graphical patch editor. JSyn supports Windows, Macintosh and Linux, and can be used from a Java application or an applet with Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer or iCab browser plug-ins. The JSyn plug-in is free; developers can use the free JSyn SDK for non-commercial purposes, and commercial developers can license JSyn for redistribution with their products, or for use on commercial Websites.
Acceloop Multimedia Booster
Acceloop (www.acceloop.com) has introduced Acceloop Multimedia Booster software for enhancing and accelerating the delivery of multimedia formats by up to 200% over dial-up lines, and up to 700% over broadband networks. An optional peer-to-peer technology optimizes available unused bandwidth on other users’ systems in real time, downloading portions of the content from each other. Multimedia Booster also includes an auto-recovery mechanism that allows users to recover from multimedia delivery failures, even after disconnection periods. Once installed on a Web server, Multimedia Booster runs automatically. Prices start at $2,700 for a single CPU Web server.