Chicago, IL (December 11, 2018)—The musical Jersey Boys may be everywhere, but so is its inspiration, Frankie Vallie, who’s still touring more than 55 years after he became famous as the lead singer of the Four Seasons. When he recently played Chicago’s 3,900-seat Auditorium Theatre, regional audio provider Gand Concert Sound was there to ensure everyone heard every note.
The crew set up a Nexo Geo T line arrays and RS18 Ray Subs powered through Yamaha T5n amplifiers. Gand placed a Yamaha PM5D-RH Digital Audio Console at front of house for mix engineer Jim “Redford” Sanders.
Tim Swan, general manager, Gand Concert Sound, noted, “This auditorium in particular is very difficult to design and fly arrays capable of enough upward-tilt to hit the way, way up there gallery balcony seats. Geo T’s unique system enables us to get that extreme rake required.”
Gand president, Gary Gand, added, “It’s the Swiss Army Knife of boxes; small enough for tight venues, yet large enough for an arena. Geo T is very ground-stack friendly as it’s light enough to stack up fairly high. Even with a relatively large inventory of 106 boxes and 10 bumpers, there are multiple times every year where 100% of the Geo T inventory is out. Geo T is very efficient when it comes to truck-pack; we can load 42 boxes with bumpers in just 7.5 feet; it’s the most successful system to date at Gand Concert Sound.”
A Yamaha CL5 and 48 channels of Rio stage boxes were used for monitors with Mike O’Malley mixing along with Nexo PS15 stage monitors and an LS18 used as a drum sub. Also on hand, Nexo Alpha eF boxes were used for side fills, and everything was powered by Nexo NX4x4 amps. Nexo PS8s with a NxAmp 4×1 were used for front fills.
Gand Concert Sound •
Yamaha Corporation of America •