Steinberg Media Technologies has unveiled an upcoming update for its Cubase SX3 and Cubase SL3 music production systems. Cubase SX/SL 3.1 offers new features and capabilities including full integration of external hardware instruments and effects including Studio Connections Audio integration, support for Steinberg’s Dolby Digital and DTS Encoders and expanded editing and mixing functions.
Among the new features coming with the Cubase 3.1 update is the latest stage of the ongoing Studio Connections collaboration between Steinberg and Yamaha. This technology allows the seamless integration of Yamaha hardware in Steinberg host applications. Studio Connections II: Audio Integration allows convenient monitoring and mixing of Studio Manager devices just like VST instruments in the Cubase SX VST audio mixer. Other external instruments not supported by Studio Connections can be integrated, as well. Also new to Cubase SX 3.1 is the ability to control external hardware effects via MIDI, giving full control over external effects hardware from within Cubase SX.
Cubase SX 3.1 now includes support for Steinberg’s optional Dolby Digital and DTS Encoder plug-ins, opening these world-standard formats to all Cubase SX users. Additional processor optimization means that Cubase SX/SL 3.1 supports not only Mac and PC multiprocessor systems but also the latest AMD and Intel DualCore processors as well as Hyperthreading and DualCore over dual processors.
Additional new mixing features in Cubase SX and Cubase SL include a new Equal Power panner, a new set of mixer key commands and extended copy functions for mixer channels. MIDI output delay compensation means that proper timing is maintained even when using external MIDI instruments that are mixed through the VST audio mixer. “Freezing” of MIDI track playback parameters allows quick and easy rendering of playback parameters into MIDI data.
The update will be available for download in August 2005. Visit www.steinberg.de for more information.
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