Although Nashville-based producer Kyle Lehning frequently works infully stocked high-end studios, he usually arrives with his personalSoundelux E47 and U99 microphones in tow.
“I record lots of overdubs in my own studio, which I built in myhome in the Nashville area,” Lehning says. “I also takethese mics into the big rooms in Nashville—17 Grand, Cartee Day,and Emerald Studios, in particular—where I like to track, eventhough they have extensive mic cabinets of their own.”
Upon moving to Nashville from Cairo, Ill. in 1971, Lehning quicklyestablished himself as an in-demand producer, working with such acts asWaylon Jennings, Jimmy Buffett, Ronnie Milsap, Dan Seals and KinkyFriedman, among others. As the former president of Asylum Records,Lehning worked closely with artists such as Mandy Barnett and RandyTravis. He is currently in pre-production on Travis’ next album and hasjust finished projects for singer-songwriter Joy Lynn White and localHammond B3 whiz Moe Denham.
For more information on Soundelux, dist. by Transamerica AudioGroup, visit www.transaudiogroup.com.