Chrome Tone, McDSP’s sixth plug-in for the Pro Tools platform, is acollection of effects that includes distortion (pictured), compression,gating, chorus, flange, EQ, wah, tremolo, spring reverb and tape delayeffects.
Chrome Tone’s initial release is TDM-only for Mac OS 9 and OS XPanther with a retail price of $495.
In other company news, McDSP is now shipping Mac OS X Panther andPro Tools HD Accel-compatible versions of its entire product line,including Analog Channel Version 2.2.1, Chrome Tone V. 1.0.1,CompressorBank V. 3.2.1, FilterBank V. 3.2.1, MC2000 V. 2.2.1 andSynthesizer One V. 3.0.
In addition, many new features have been added, including FilterBankoffering four new variable Q modes. New features in Synthesizer One V.3.0 include up to 22 voices and six separate FX sections per DSP chipon HD Accel; new OSC filter modes (pass only even, odd or otherharmonic multiples); a new user interface; fine control now availablein popup sliders; and additional anti-aliasing modes. Analog Channelnow has “virtual analog” meters, which are selectable and displayinput, output and the virtual circuit’s gain reduction.
More information on Chrome Tone and the updates (including freedownloads) are available at www.mcdsp.com.