Fresno, CA (February 8, 2021)—Cornerstone Church is a non-denominational / Evangelical house of worship that welcomes people from every walk of life. If you’re going to reach out to everyone, of course, you have to make sure they can hear you, and so the church recently upgraded its sound reinforcement system with a new audio system based around loudspeakers from DAS Audio.
Jag Sound Productions LLC, a design / build Pro AV integration firm, was contracted to handle the design and installation; owner Juan Gonzalez ultimately selected DAS Audio AERO-20, UX-218A, and EVENT-26A loudspeakers for the project.
The church’s sanctuary incorporates an 86-foot-wide stage area and from there, the room fans out to a width of 144 feet along the back wall, with a depth of 107 feet, making for a space that can accommodate 1,400 worshipers. Covering all that, the new sound system consists of 20 DAS Audio AERO-20A 2-way, powered line array enclosures—flown 10 loudspeakers per each side of the stage. Low frequency support is provided by four DAS UX-218A powered subwoofers, which are positioned two enclosures per each side of the stage. Each subwoofer includes dual 18-inch long excursion loudspeakers in a front-loaded crossfire configuration.
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For front fill, Gonzalez also deployed four DAS EVENT-26A line array enclosures. “These loudspeakers were the perfect choice to cover the first one or two rows of seats directly in front of the stage area,” he explained. “Their small footprint doesn’t interfere visually with the activity taking place on stage and they do a great job filling the area between the left and right hangs.”
The new sound reinforcement system at Cornerstone Church was installed in January and was immediately placed into service: “Pastor Franklin tells me he is very happy with the new sound system. He said that numerous members of the congregation have noticed a dramatic difference as well,” said Juan Gonzalez. “The new DAS system makes a tremendous improvement to the sound throughout the room and, in the process makes services more engaging for everyone in attendance. It’s been a win-win for everyone involved.”
Jag Sound Productions LLC • 559-709-3740
DAS Audio • www.dasaudio.com